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Authors notes: im so used to writing in first person this might sound a little wierd.

Darkshadow said bye to Rockpelt. She would never be able to go into the northern woods again. After what she did, it would be hard to avoid him, especially after that terrible thing. "So you really did?" he asked. He would be the only other cat besides her father to know about this, but Rockpelt was her best friend, he had to know the truth. "Yes. And now she's dead. The plan is to come back tomorrow night to get rid of him." Rockpelt seemed excited, he wasn't staying one place. He smiled at her. He thinks this will be fun doesn't he. SHe nodded to him and walked back to where she would be. Waterflow would already be there, waiting to steal my prey ,she thought.

As she walked back to the den, the scared yowl of her sister rang in the air. SHe quickened her pace, not because she was scared, but because she wanted to look scared. As she neared the den the tried to put on her best scared face. Why don't I just tell her, she thought, that'll teach her about stealing my food. Waterflow wont mess with me again. As waterstar's bluegray fur became visible, Darkshadow jumped on her. "You're next, stupid mangepelt

I can't write in third person. So yeah.

Darkshadow's pov: Waterflow was shaking in fear. I felt more powerful than ever. As was shaken off, waterflow tried to claw me. I quickly slashed at her face, not knowing where I had suddenly learned this from. She ran into the cage, I ran after her. As she hit the back of it, I closed the door. Heavybelly will be here soon.

Back to regular
Darkshadow looked at the blood on her paws. She decided to leave it there for when her brother came back.

He soon did, crashing through the bush like a badger. "Kit what happened here" he snarled. He looked into Darkshadow's eyes. There was red around her pupils. "I did what had to be done. Where is our father?" she said. The black she-cat didn't look the same. Her once scared voice was replaced buy one that sounded like shattering ice. Heavybelly got ready to run from his crazy sister.

"If you don't get in the way you'll escape unharmed. Just let me get rid of him" she said. Just as she said that, Rockpelt came running with him right behind. The rock colored tom turned and snarled at Fish. The older tom pinned him down. They were just a blur of brown and blue-gray fur. Heavybelly just stood there in astonishment. "Take Waterflow and leave. It will only be the four of us that know." Darkshadow said. She jumped I to the fight, she said she was going to do the final blow. As Rockpelt finally pinned him down, Darkshadow sliced Fish's throat open. It was over. There would be no more of the torture.

__--__TIME SKIP (during winter)__--__

"Ashfall, we need more apprentices. Most of our warriors will be retiring soon. Our clan needs to be strong." Oneeye said.

"While I share your Concern Oneeye, there is nothing I can do to make newborn kits into apprentices in one sundown." Ashfall replied.

"How about we try to look outside our borders for new cats. I'm sure there's at least one cat willing to join the clan."

"It's worth a try, how about we go on a border patrol. There isn't any clan territory to the north."

"I'll arrange one with Moss and Tooth on it.

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