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Hi guys im making this into an animated series. Ive been working on that and that explains slow updates. Its gonna be called brokenatil's Fear. It will take place once Brokentail becomes an appertice. Its still open soo people please try out. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mNk8AN0R_5k 

there were a few moons between 2 and 3 btw. uh yeah this is a few moons after all of that crazyness in the other chapters.

Third person for this part
Hawkfrost watched as Oakclaw climbed up the tree. The brown tom climbed to the top. "Perfect. Now land on that rock. And remember. Quietly! In the forest, there isn't any noose to mask your clumsiness." He said. Oakclaw launched himself onto the rock. Hawkfrost's ears perked up. Oakclaw began to fade away, back into the real world.

Darkforest's pov: I stood outside of the apprentice den, Toy and I had both become mentors to justify that we could become leader and beta.  We're going to SkyClan to talk with Sharpstar about becpmong allies. As Brokentail and Tigertooth woke up, Birchlight pounced on Oakclaw. At first I thought nothing of it, until I remembered that Oakclaw had been extiled a moon ago. I ran to the fighting brothers and grabbed Oakclaw by his tail. Spoiledbutter nocked him off his feet. Brokentail and Tigertooth sood next to Ice.

I stopped for a second to find Snaketail. She was frozen with fear, just standing there. Suddenly I was pinned down. There were more cats pouring into the Underground. There were two types of cats I saw, longhaired cats covered in mud and forest cats. I kicked Oakclaw w I th my back legs. He flew off me and landed on a tawny she-cat.

She jumped on him and they started fighting. I ran over to them and tripped Oakclaw. "Only a fox heart would try to use two clans against one. Oakstar, not even my father, Tigerstar would do something this stupid." Oakstar. Grabbed her by her tail. I jumped on his back and tried to claw his eyes out from there. Oakstar swun the she-cat around, I suddenly caught a glimpse of Birchlight, he and another tom were taking the severly injured to the healer's den.

Oakstar ran to the tunnels, two clans worth of cats running after him. The remaining cats grouped around the she-cat. BloodClan was mostly scattered around.

Roof's pov: I ran from the unnatural cave. My old tribemates were running alongside LeafClan. I knew we  wouldn't have been beaten if ShadowClan hadn't been there. The fact that we got beaten by a fake clan wad just humiliating. As light began tp filter down, I heard the sound of monsters near us. The twolegplace made me jumpy. As we approached the exit I heard a loud noise. It came from the front of the patrol.

I ran faster. As cats stopped running, the smell of blood. Oakstar was losing  a life. I watched as Stoneteller and Butface screamed at us to move. I ran as fsr as I could from the spot, I now knew we couldn't win. As far as I knew, they hadn't suffered any loses. But we knew the territory almost as well as them. We did have a chance though.

I vowed to get my claws on whoever had done this to my leader. I wanted those mange pelted kitty pets dead. We ran until we saw trees and heard a river. The scent of SkyClan was in our noses. I heard a bush rumble and a patrol came out of the bushes. They looked friendly. I approchrd them, a gray and black tom with green eyes was at the lead.

"This is SkyClan territory. State your business." He didnt seem scared of our super clan

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