9 Flame in the Dark

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Birchlight's pov: I lead Darkforest down the tunnel. We would soon meet the ancestors of BloodClan. She was scared, I could easily tell. If my friend was going to become leader, she'd have to have something really impressive to show those dead cats. Soon I could see the glow of their moonstone.

It reminded me of what had happened before Darkforest had become a member of BloodClan. I remembered when the peace was made between the three clans around here. It allowed healers and leaders to go to SkyClan's moinstone. The newest clan, WhoreClan was small when it started, but was turning into a formidable enemy. They had simular beliefs but with a twist. A cat who was dead couldn't be killed again. There were rumors that Oakclaw escaped to there but we wouldn't know. I could recall the SkyClan healer's name,
Echoheart, I think, it had been a while since I last talked to her. Sharpstar had scolded her for letting me into the camp. The sight of the moonstone took me back to the prestent.

I stopped right at the end of the tunnel. Darkforest was right behind me, waiting for directions. I sat down and put my nose against the glowing rock. My leader followed.

"Welcome to your worst nightmare" a tom said. I looked up it was Scourge, BloodClan's most feared leader. "Hello" I said politely. "Shut up birchlight, I'm trying to do a ceremony" he said, while pushing me out of the way. He looked at the tiny she-cat with great interest. I wondered what she was thinking.

Darkforest's pov: "Darkshadow, step foward. Do you wish to become a leader?" Scourge said.


"It is my duty to give you the name Darkforest. Now you will receive your extra lives."
Seven other cats appeared around him. I saw Janusforest  and Ashfall in the line of cats. I was so excited to see some cats I knew in the line.

There was a white tom with three tails. He seemed oddly familiar even though I've never saw him before. A fiery tom with green eyes was next to him. All of the cats had a serious look on their faces. I was so excited and scared at the same time.

"I'm Scourge, you know me. I Give you a life for battle strength.  You'll need it one day for sure." As I received this first life I felt rage and anger while also feeling sad and scared. There was pain and some how happiness also. Scourge took a step back into the line of cats.

"I am Firestar, one of ThundetClan's greatest leaders. I cared for cats in every clan. For this life I give you love and compassion" I felt warm and suddenly as if I lost someone. I hoped all of my lives weren't this hard to receive. Firestar faded away.

"He's going back to StarClan.", Janusforest said, "and with this life I give you understanding. You should always try to put yourself into someone else's paws before you talk about them." I kinda felt more aware of my surroundings and everything. It seemed easier to sense the mood. I kinda also felt somehow depressed. My two faced friend states to back away. "Wait I wanted to talk to you!" I said. He just sadly blinked at me. He wanted to talk also. Why can't he. I mean he can give me a life but he can't have a conversation with me?!

The three tailed tom walked up next. "Sup I'm Blade. I'm giving you a life for resilience." Even though the tom didn't give a fancy introduction I felt like he was very serious right now. I suddenly felt extreme pain. It numbed away until it was a dull pain, still unbearable, but I was somehow not crying. The lives must already be going to work. "See you later little cuz." He said.

Ashfall then took his place. "Is been a while my apprentice. With this life I give you courage to do what you think is right. You will need this one day in the future." I suddenly felt like every cat in the clan was staring at me for some reason. It was akward then I felt pride. I wished all of my lives were a bit like it's one.

Another cat appeared where Ashfall was just standing. "I am Tigerstar. One of ShadowClan's leaders. With this life I give you peraistance." I felt like giving up but like there was some hope still there. This must have been what it felt like to see your oponent defeat you but know you still have one last chance. This must have been how Tigerstar felt during the battles he fought in.

Tigerstar backed away. The next cat was a she-cat. One of BloodClan's greatest warriors, Brick. "I'm Brick of BloodClan. I give trust to you in this life. You will need it. You might male some unexpected friends, but they will be more helpful than you think." Brick's words troubled me. When she put her nose to mine, I felt actually happy for once. It reminded me of the good times with my family. Maybe the last few lives will be like this.

The last cat was a tom with black and white fur. He almost had the same starry arora as Firestar, but there was no smell of greenleaf forests. "I am Barley. While your clan may speak of me as a wimp who left the clan because I was scared of living on my own, I did it so I could live in peace. I tired to forgive those cats who have wronged me. I showed the former BloodClan cats peace when they sheltered in my barn. So with your last life I give you forgiveness. I have one question for you kit, what is thicker bood or water." As his nose touched mine I could see things that must have been the future. I was talking to a wolf who was on fire. A dead cat was at his paws. Then I saw two kittens and Wolfflame and me. What is going on who are these other cats and wolves? I only knew there was something going on. What won't they tell me. Was it birchlight's prophecy? Suddenly I was brought back to the ceremony.

"You are now Darkforest, leader of BloodClan." Blade said.

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