Death of a Librarian

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On the world of Pilleaut, one of the many worlds under Immortalis Draco, a small daemon invasion had occurred, in response to the foul spawn of the Warp, the Steel Wyverns sent one of their Magister Bibliothecarius (Veteran Librarian) and a dozen of his brothers to push the daemons out of the world.

The librarian's name is Raphael, and currently he is fighting multiple daemons with his fratres (brothers) holding off other daemons.

As he fights the daemons, his brothers were thrown back. Raphael pushed the daemons back with his psyker powers and he looked to the area his brothers were and he saw a Greater Daemon of Khorne.

Revving his chainsword and preparing a psykic spell using his Carmine Librum (Spell book). Multiple orbs of fire formed around him and he sent all of them at the daemon and the daemon was staggered but not damaged.

He clipped his Librum to his hip and prepared for a melee battle with the daemon.

He blocked an attack from the daemon, using all of his strength to hold it off, he used his psyche to push the daemon and while staggered, he pushed the chainsword into the daemon, wounding it but it used its fist and punched Raphael at the side but in the nick of time he blocked it with his arm though at the cost of it being broken.

Both opponents were nearing the end but Raphael with a war cry, used his psykic might to shoot a beam of pure warp energy from his head to the daemon and instantly its body de-materialized but its soul flew away and returned to the realm of Khorne.

For a moment, Raphael sat down and rested until he remembered his brothers. He got up and quickly ran to where his brothers were and thank The Emperor, they were safe but unconscious.

Raphael used the built-in communication-system to call for reinforcements.

"This is command ship Aurora, who am I speaking to?"

"This is Magister Bibliotheca Raphael of kill team Omega Duo. I need reinforcements to my location, Aurora! The daemon invasion is far greater than first thought!"

"Copy that Bibliotheca, a squadron of your brothers and a Malleo Lacus unit will be sent your way."

Out of nowhere, a warp portal opens and from it a daemon of Tzeentch or it's other name, the Lord of Change.

In milliseconds, Raphael took his Librum and conjured one of his most powerful spells, one purposefully crafted to counter the strongest of daemons. The spell had made the symbol of the Imperium and behind it the symbol of Arturius, together the symbols gave one of the greatest signatures of warp power, a large beam came forth from the symbols while the Lord of Change conjured his own beam of power.

For a few minutes the 2 warp-controllers fought for supremacy until traitor sorcerers of the Thousand Sons came out of the same portal the Lord of Change came from. They assisted their ally and multiple smaller beams united with the larger beam and became even larger and quickly, Raphael was losing ground but with all his last psyker might he conjured 2 other beams. In the same manner as before, the symbols of the Imperium and Arturius formed and created beams of pure warp energy and they united against the forces of Chaos.

The sheer power of both sides overloaded and a sort of warp explosion was made, consuming both material and immaterial into it.

'I held them off as long as I can father... forgive me of my mistake and allow me to go into the halls of your father... The Emperor!'

That was his last thought, nearby a pod crashed with a dozen marines with 2 Malleo tanks fell from the sky near the area.

The hatch of the pod flew out as the foot of a marine kicked it open. The marines quickly ran out and saw the remains of the battle of their brother. Nothing was left but ashes with the brothers he came with just barely out of the radius of the explosion. 

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