Stupid Mortals

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As the two slept, Raphael was looking through his book, seeing the new spells of unimaginable power that he could only guess his father gave him. He mentally thanked his father for the last parting gift. He had thought of meditating in the room but the aura would most likely wake up the 2. He decided to do it outside, in the middle of the night where no soul would see him.

The Carmine Librum had hundreds of spells but the one that Raphael had, had 50 new spells, 3 new categories were made, the one that he used at the tower was under the Bellatorum in Imperium category, one that focused on summoning soldiers and fallen warriors of the Imperium, the second category focused on healing and mending, it is called Bonus fortuna et salutem, capable of healing the most mortal of wounds both physical and mental. The most destructive of the categories is the Mortem et Damnationem category, the spells in this category could level entire worlds, if powerful enough a warp storm could be conjured.

Raphael noted that the use of spells under the Mortem et Damnationem category would only be used if totally necessary.

Raphael sat on a stone bench like the one on the tower, he took in the scenery of the silent night, the silent city in front of him.

'This city can't even be considered a town where I come from... *chuckle* Is this what peace looks like, father?'

In truth for the whole life of Raphael, ever since he became a member of the Wyverns with his brothers, he had little to no time of silence. It was either in the noisy barracks of a ship or on the battlefield, on the rare side he had any free time, he would go to a Navis Librarium, a ship's library, there he would read and sometimes, with other Bibliothecarius, train.

Like before, Raphael meditated, slowly a corona of purple energy surrounded his body. The winds became stronger, the night sky became oddly brighter where he was, as time went on the energy around Raphael became so strong that anyone could see the psyker energy, even those who had little to no aspect of the warp or 'magic'.

'This world... I can see so much, feel so much. The joy and happiness of children playing around all-day long, the feeling of warmth, of family... And yet I feel the sadness of those who have lost their loved ones, the anger of wanting revenge, the hate to daemons not affiliated with the warp. *sigh* I wi-'

Out of nowhere, a pebble hit Raphael at the back, though it felt like nothing, he still looked to see who did it. It was that hooded man with others like him.


"What business do I have with you, mage?"

He laughs with his fellow mages.

'*Angry groan* The smell of alcohol is on him... This world might not be that great after all.'

"There are laws I just made up about demons running out in the night... demihumans am I right?"

His fellow mages laughed with him.

"Demihumans are just a bunch of savages *laughs*"

'Ignorant fools such as he would be sent to the Restitutio ad Genus. '

Raphael then stood up, his 9 and a half feet tall height would've frightened any standard man, but these men were intoxicated to no belief that they just laughed him off.

"Oh, you scared now?!"

"Speak when only spoken to, boy. How much of an abhuman are you that your brain cannot comprehend my words?"

He then started to walk to the direction of the inn. Until a bottle of alcohol was thrown at him, the bottle instantly broke at impact to the Psykicae Arma.

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