The Guild

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It was morning, Raphael had teleported the salamander out of the city, where it lives in the woods. For the rest of the night and early morning, he had just tinkered with his staff and continued learning about the new spells. Seeing Rem and Shera sleep had given the idea of peace in Raphael and, he liked it.

Near 7 in the morning in Terran time, Shera had started to wake up.

"Librarian? You're awake?"

"My name is Raphael, Elf..."

"Wait, you told me your name? Why?"

"You and Rem have gained my trust, do not tell anyone."

"Don't worry your secret safe with me."

"Hm... If you want to know, I did not sleep."

Rem started to wake up as well.

"Good morning, Rem."

"Oh... good morning, Raphael-"

She noticed what she said and covered her mouth.

"Wait I- I."

"It is fine, Rem, I have already told, Shera."

Out of nowhere.

"I just remembered we need to go to the Adventurer's Guild to register as summoners!"

"Then that is where we shall go."

* Time skip *

Walking through the streets of the city to the guild, Raphael had noticed a small number of humans. He looked at the many demihumans, some fascinated him while others had reminded of some things.

"This is the area where demihumans live, hardly any humans come here."

"I see."

'Discrimination of species... disgusts me.'

"Does this world have a system concerning levels?"

"Uhm... y- yeah, by levels... I don't have mine yet but... "

Rem then interjected in the conversation.

"I am a level 40 summoner."

"I see."

'Though as power as her 'level' states she is, I have little to no faith she would even be capable of winning against a few lesser daemons of Khorne.'

"Oh, yeah! The reason I don't have is 'cause I haven't registered, so I could be a level 40 or 50 if they measure me!"

"I'd take a guess that your level might be lower than 25, at best your level would be 10."

"It's not true!"

"It is"



'Not again...'

"Stop your unneeded banter before you make me disintegrate this whole city."

Raphael said though at a level where only they could hear.

"Hm... Once we've registered with the guild, we can accept quests. Both of you will earn your lodging."

They were now in front of the guild headquarters. The building looked like a bank with flags of a sword on the building. Entering, Raphael could see multiple adventurers, of the dark kind, screaming at the receptionists.

"I know it's obnoxious, but this happens every time, so we'll register at the second floor."

In front of a wolf-woman receptionist, Shera and Raphael registered.

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