The Dove or the Eagle, Peace or War...

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"Preventing a war?"

Shera had said with Rem next to her whilst Raphael stood near them with Elarye spectating.

"Yup. Assuming you won't hand Shera over, the Elven kingdom has already made it clear with the movement of soldiers on the border... "

"No way... "

Shera whispered, with a small peak one could see that she was on the verge of tears. Raphael looked at her then to Sylvie.

"So. What will it be Librarian?"

"Greenwood would go to war with Lyferia over me?"

"At the alarming rate, Greenwood has amassed its soldiers. That's why the Lord and I are in deep trouble."

"Hm. Even when you blatantly told them of your wishes, they have not given up. Elves, stubborn as Eldar."


Elarye perked up.

"I meant no transgressions from it, Elarye."

Raphael assured her, she sighed going back to her silent observing self.

"Well, we'd like for you to work it out, Librarian."

"You have the wrong wyvern then. If you were talking to a Verbum Frater, or my brothers who specializes in diplomatic dealings then this situation wouldn't be a problem but current circumstances deny us any luxuries. Though all wyverns are taught the basics of diplomacy, manners, morals and kindness yet I do not think the basics will assist me any bit in preventing a war."

"By the way, Prince Keera of Greenwood has placed a huge bounty on Shera."

'On his own sister?!'

"He did what?!"

"That's absurd, ludicrous."

Shera and Rem protested.

"The reward is enough for the lowliest of commoners to equal a nobleman. Because of that, you'll never know when or where some greedy adventurer will snatch Shera. For your safety, I advise you to not go outside without any protection."

"That- that's just... "

"Shera... "

Out of nowhere, the same aura that filled the inn that day when Galluk antagonized Raphael. Yet this type of aura did not just carry the fear and dread it had but also harbored unfathomable amounts of imperishable fire. Shera and Rem were getting familiar with the feeling but the heat of his anger made them flinch, Elarye worked closely with the wyverns, sometimes even working side-by-side with Arturius with the Draco Maior themselves, while this was the first time Sylvie had seen the aura, she was scared, as if a rabbit facing down a lion.

"Upon a mountain of skulls sits Khorne, the Blood God, the God of Wrath. Yet the wrath I feel inside of me is so powerful that Khorne would smile. I haven't seen the likes of degeneracy your brother has shown. When I am given the chance... I shall show you all why I am called a 'Bringer of Doom' for no amount of warriors, no amount of magic, no amount of words will stop me from giving him the punishment he solely deserves!"

For a moment, Faltra was filled with an aura like no other, as if a star was planted right at the center of it.

"And if any lowly mortal adventurer sees to it that their greed overtakes them... Then my chainsword shall be the one to mow them down like the lowly insects they are."

"Li- Librarian."

One whisper, it took one whisper for Raphael to realize that his anger was overtaking him.

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