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Prince Alexander's POV

"So, how are you?" Raquel asked, seated across from Alex.

"I'm fine...how are you?" Alex asked with a small nod.

Raquel grinned happily, looking around the room. "I'm great. Its been so long since I've been back here and I am really enjoying myself. Its lovely to be back here, feels like no time has passed."

"Yet it has."

"I know." Raquel sighs. "Look, I am truly sorry for what I did to you."

"Its in the past. This is the present, let's just focus on this."

"I know, but I want to apologise. I didn't like the way we ended things."

"I forgive you and yes, it wasn't great but we were children back then. We didn't understand and grasp the full concept of dating and ended up unnecessarily hurting one another." Alex said and saw Raquel's face drop a little.

They're break up didn't bother him like how it used to years ago. Yes, he did have feelings for her back then but looking back at it now he realised that it was merely puppy love. A normal thing that everyone  goes through around teenager-hood. He has grown and matured now, and has moved on. It was water under the bridge.

Feeling a little guilty at how he made her feel, he decided to changed the subject. "Your mother told me that you studied fashion in Paris."

"Yes, I did. For three years."

"How was it?" Alex asked politely not that he was interested in it. Men and fashion didn't exactly blend.

"It was amazing. Paris is such a beautiful city." Raquel smiled. "And what about you?"

"I took Archeology over in England."

"That does sound like you, you always were curious about the history and origin of different ethnic groups...can I ask you something?"

Alex only just looked at Raquel.

Licking her lips, Raquel spoke. "Why did you let your parents do this? Throw this competition?...Last I heard, you had a girlfriend so why all this?"

Alex sighed and leans back against the chair he was seated in. "I did have a girlfriend but I guess she just wasn't the one for me. I haven't found the right one yet."

"Well," Raquel began and Alex picked up on her suggestive tone. "Hopefully you do find her in this contest. The people do need a Queen too, to stand beside you and help rule the country."

Once their time ended Alex quickly excused himself and left the library. There was a time where he would have loved to spend every second with Raquel but it wasn't like that anymore, she wasn't the same girl that he loved growing up. The sweet, kind, innocent young girl that he knew. He understood that once people grew up they changed, that happened to him too but he still possessed some of the attributes that he had when he was younger, but as for Raquel, they were gone. He realised now that they were the polar opposite of one another. While she seeked fame and wanted expensive gifts and trips around the world, he wanted privacy and simplicity, to do things without been followed by paparazzi, news reporters, advisors, security guards, etc., to just live a normal life.

Absentmindedly walking down the hallway and was just about to pass the back parlour, Alex accidentally bumped into someone that had walked out from there. The person gave a small yelp of surprise and was about to fall but he quickly moved and caught them waist, preventing the fall.

"I am so sorry. Are you.....alright?" He froze for a second when his eyes met a set of familiar, beautiful amber coloured ones. Avery.

"Yes, I'm sorry your highness. I should have watched where I was going too." She apologised, her cheeks tinting pink from embarrassment at their close proximity.

Alex cleared his throat and let go off her waist moving back to give her some space. "Are you sure that you are alright. I didn't hurt you, did I?"

"No, no. I'm fine, honestly." Avery replied. "I just tripped a little."

Alex quickly averted his eyes down to her feet, which were covered in a pair of nice pastel pink flats. "Do you need to see the doctor?" He asked, concerned.

"No. It doesn't hurt." She assured him once again, seeing concern in his emerald green orbs when he looked back up at her.

"Okay, that's good. I thought you twisted it."

Avery looked down at her feet and shook her head before looking back up at him. "No, I just lost my balance a little."

"Avery are-" Alex looked to the side to see a young Asian looking woman standing there, looking between him and Avery in surprise before she realised what she was doing. "Pardon me, your highness."

"It's quite alright." Alex smiled at her then looked back at Avery. "I'll leave you two. Excuse me."

"What were you twos talking about?" Alex heard the girl asked Avery in a hushed yet teasing tone as he walked away from them.

"Nothing. We just accidentally bumped into one another, and were apologising." Avery explained.

"Didn't look like that to me."


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