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Avery's POV

Sitting on the dressing table's chair in her bedroom, Avery fiddled around with the embroidered flowers of her dress in anxiousness. After weeks, it was finally her time to have her one-on-one time with the Prince and regardless of how many times they've bumped into each other around the royal property, she couldn't help but feel nervous about this moment. What were they going to talk about? What questions would she ask him and what would he ask her? A thousand thoughts ran through her mind as she waited for Madam Eunice to collect her and take her to meet the him.

A moment later she heard a knock on the door and stood up from the chair, walked over to it and opened it to see Madam Eunice standing outside the door.

"Are you ready to meet the Prince?" Madam Eunice asked.

Avery nodded her head with a firm "Yes."

"Good. Follow me."

They both walked down the hall and in a direction that was completely new to Avery because she has never gone that way before, and it was out of bound for them, the eligibles. It was up to the solar, the private quarters for the Royal family.

"Relax dear." Avery looked at Madam Eunice who gave her a small yet encouraging smile.

It was still a little startling to see her mentor and one of the judges for the contest wear other expressions other than neutral, scrutinising and unimpressed.

"I was given clearance by the King and Queen themselves to bring you up here. And word of advice when talking to Prince Alexander," Avery listened closely to the woman beside her. "Do not ask anything personal besides the general questions, is that understood?"

"Yes Madam." Avery answered.

And there was the woman they were all familiar with. She had a way where she could flawlessly switch from one emotion to another within seconds, and still somehow make it look gracefull.

"Excellent." Madam Eunice nodded as they continued to walk up the stairs.

Once they finally arrived on the solar, Avery followed the tall, immaculate woman beside her to one of the rooms on the floor and just before she reached for its handle, the door swung open to reveal the Princess with her pet rabbit, Baylee in her arms.

"Oh my goodness, I'm so sorry Princess." Madam Eunice apologised, stepping back startled.

Brianna giggled with a cute smile. "It's alright Madam Eunice...hello Avery."

Avery smiled at the King and Queen's youngest child. "Hello your highness."

"Is it your turn to see my brother now?"

"Yes it is."

"Okay, well his in there." Brianna nodded at the room and walked around the two woman before reaching out to hold Avery's hand. "Oh, and please don't let him to go anywhere near my closest of supplies at the back. I hid some of my cookies there."

Avery smiled. "Okay, I'll try my best."

Then she and Madam Eunice watched her walk over to the final staircase that ultimately led up to the royal family's bedroom.

During the past three weeks that had passed, Avery also got to know a little more about the youngest child of the King and Queen of Terrigal, Princess Brianna. Just like her big brother, there were a few times that they run into one other not literally but around the palace and grounds and Avery came to notice that she was definitely her parents daughter. Intelligent, kind hearted, well-mannered and respectful. There was even one time when Avery was taking a stroll around the grounds and Brianna asked if she could help her collect some fresh flowers for her bedroom, where she unintentionally or intentionally told Avery that Alex was terrified of creepy crawlies, especially spiders.

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