She likes to party

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*grammar errors ahead

Rosie's pov

"You're not really mad Rosie" Jennie says smiling while sipping her drink.

I roll my eyes, staying quiet.

"Don't be like that, I just wanted you to come and have some fun where our managers aren't breathing down our necks." She says Pulling me in for a hug.

"I'm not mad, I just wanted to spend the day with all of us properly. We never get to experience being out like this."

"How about tomorrow we'll spend the whole day together just me, you and the girls?" She says tenderly. I smile shyly.

"I'd love that"

"Good girl, But for now let's just have fun and do whatever the hell we want" she says with a huge grin.

"Yahhhh! You two hurry up and move your old asses over here so we can have some shots" Lisa's loud mouth says.


"Lisa, can we go now" she looks at me with furrowed eyebrows.

"Noooooooo, it's still early. Lighten up chae, have another drink" she says handing me god knows what. I look to where Jennie is, she's surrounded by people Jayden introduced us to. As soon as they came she hasn't even looked my way, but I didn't really expect any different she's Jennie. She draws people in and loves to socialise, I do envy her being able to do that. I just wish sometimes she'd remember I was here.

"Hey Rosie" I move my eyes away from her and face the voice.

"Hey Jayden"

"I hope you're having a good time" he says with a genuine smile.

Have some fun rosie.

"I am, the performances and a atmosphere is amazing" I reply honestly.

"I'm glad, when I heard you girls were performing I was so proud. Y'all are changing shit and it's amazing to see honestly"

"Ngawwwwwww jay you're so cute" I say laughing and roughly bringing him in for a hug.

He laughs along with me.

"Hey, hey, easy girl you're man handling me I'm only like 5'4" I bust out laughing at that, before Jennie started making me think jay liked me we were always just messing around. I distanced myself because I didn't want to give him the wrong idea.

"I missed you bro" he said.

"Me too, sorry I've been out of contact a-lots been going on"

"Nah, don't worry I understand but let's stay in contact properly this time you go away okay"

"Pinky swear"

"Pinky swear"

"So how's your love life miss Roseanne park" Jayden says fake bowing.

"Very non existent my friend" I reply sighing extravagantly jokingly

He gasp mocking me "how the hell are you single"

"A lot of reasons, one major factor beginning with y and ending with g" I bitterly say.

"Besides that have you liked anyone atleast, I never get to hear these stories"

"Uh, yeah of course but they've never gone anywhere. I haven't really connected enough with someone yet to take the risk of being found out"

"I get it, live up your single days while you can" he says drinking the rest of his drink.

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