Switchblade - Cole Holland

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                I watched as Kat snatched Cole's red cap, going around the room asking everyone to place an item in the hat. Once she finished collecting, she bounded over to me, smiling widely.

"Alright, Lettie, you first!"

                I gingerly stuck my hand as Kat held up the cap to me, nervous on who I was going to end up with for half an hour.

I let my hand feel around until I settled on something cold -perhaps even metallic- a sharp wave of pain following seconds after. With a tiny hiss, I pulled out the culprit -a small switchblade- the blade lightly streaked with blood. I checked my index finger, a thin cut running down the side, beads of blood forming.

The brunette in front of me stomped her foot on the polished marbled floor in annoyance, slightly pouting. "Darn it, Cole, why did you have to put a blade in there? I told you it wasn't a good idea!"

"I wanted to use my hat instead, but you snatched it away from me to put everything in there," he replied through gritted teeth as he approached us both.

Although Cole had an intimidating aura and it only escalated more when he hung out with friends that shared the same aura, I was baffled at the feelings I sprouted for the male, despite not personally knowing or rarely speaking to him.

Constantly I found myself trying to catch glimpses of his odd, but amazing violet eyes, feeling like I was being hypnotized by them whenever I got lucky and held the boy's gaze. But his eyes weren't the only thing that grabbed my attention: Cole was packed with muscle and it really showed whenever he wore fitted shirts, like right now. I can feel myself drooling as I eye-boggled the male and only hoped I didn't have a pool of drool at my feet.

"Come on," Cole's voice intruded in my thoughts, his deep voice alluring. He was already by the closet, holding the door open for me.

I obeyed, making my way quickly to him as I sensed the boy was not in the best mood.

                I was surprised at how ridiculously big the closet was when I stepped inside. It looked to be the size of my bedroom, making me question if this was really a closet or just a bedroom converted into a closet. But then again, Reeve lived in a mansion so it only made sense.

Exhaling, I took a seat on the cold floor, pulling my legs towards my chest and hugging them, my back against one of the light-colored walls. It was now Cole's turn to walk in, shutting the door behind him and leaning against it, his arms crossed over his chest.

I heard a soft click on the opposite side of the door, signifying the door was now locked.

No way to escape now.

"Thirty minutes, have fun you two," sang Kat. "And Cole, please don't put one of my best-est friends under your spell with those plum-colored eyes of yours," she added. "I don't know what I'd ever do if my unique Raggedy Ann were to be hypnotized. No offense, Lettie."

"None taken." I replied.

Cole muttered something under his breath at Kat's comment, but I couldn't tell what he said. Abruptly, the teenager looked in my direction, his gaze making me stiffen. I felt my breath hitch when his eyes met mine. Unable to challenge his gaze, I turned my attention to my injured finger, blood spilling down my finger.

Damn it.

"Sorry, didn't mean for anyone to get cut," Cole apologized, tilting his chin in the direction of my hand.

"Don't worry about it, accidents happen," I reassured, squeezing my finger in order to prevent any more blood from coming out.

I watched him rummage his hand in one of his jeans' pockets, pulling out a white cloth -gauze? I blinked in surprise, wondering why he carried such a thing.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 21, 2022 ⏰

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