Chapter 1-Back at WWHS

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A/N: I've been working on this story for months and I think it's really good. It's a story based on what Rachel said in the Quarterback how she reached all her goals and came back to the school seeing Finn teach and say 'I'm Home' Like the finale except 2 years later from episode 100. Rachel visits the new glee club.

Rachel's POV


I'm on the plane to go back to Lima, it feels weird going back here. I found out that Mr. Shue is the principal and took over Sue's job because now Sue is the Vice President of the United States.

Once I landed I got a Uber and went to one of my dad's houses to drop my bags off and see my gay dads. (LeRoy and Hiram)

Although it was probably awkward for my dads because they got divorced they were both at my dad's house, (LeRoy) I miss my childhood home because it got sold.

"Oh my gosh Rachel baby, you're back!" Both my dads said at the same exact time.

"Hi!" I exclaimed and hugged them. I guess my dads are civil or friendly. I don't know though, what matters is that we're all spending time as a family.

We sang Broadway songs like Defying Gravity and Don't Rain On My Parade. I think I've made it clear that I love that song and love singing it.

I made it big on Broadway playing Fanny Brice in Funny Girl but then I quit and my life went downhill. By the way my full name is Rachel Barbra Berry, so it's like Barbra Streisand.

I was able to move back up though and I starred in a Woody Allen movie. I reached all my goals in life and I'm ready to come back.


The next day I woke up expecting to be in NYC but I'm at my dad's (LeRoy) house. I woke up and started my day. It's a Friday.

I got dressed in a workout outfit, went for a run, showered, got dressed in my day outfit, ate some cereal, and drove to my former high school.

I spent last night with my dad and now I want to see my old school.


I got out and walked the halls. I still remember walking into that school and going into the choir room like it was yesterday.

I found out that Finn is the new glee club teacher. I always knew he would end up teaching here. I saw some kids leave the classroom.

I walked through those doors and took in all of my high school memories. Finn and I made eye contact.

"Rachel, what are you doing here?" Finn asked.

I walked towards him, "I'm home." I smiled.

He hugged me. We broke up 4 ½ years ago but deep inside I know that he is my person.

"So, I always knew you'd end up teaching the glee club." I told him.

"I love it. Seeing these kids sing. It reminds me of all of us." He told me.

"Mr. Shue is the principal?" I asked.

"Yeah. Have you met Danny, his son?"

"No, I've seen pictures and stuff. Mr. Shue was supposed to be at my Funny Girl opening night a few years ago but Emma was in labor with Danny. You were at the show." I told him.

"Yeah, it was amazing. Let me walk you to Mr. Shue's office. Sam is also the assistant football coach." Finn said.

"Oh yeah, I heard about that. More than half of us are in New York." I said.

"Well, I'm proud of you. I knew you'd make it far." He said.

"Thanks. I know you're a great glee club teacher. When are sectionals?"

"Thanks, Rach. This is the first year the glee club is back and running, which makes me so sad. I'm sure other kids would've loved the glee club but aren't at the school anymore. Anyways sectionals is next week, you should come to see it. You know if you're still in Lima." He said.

Uh duh, I wanna see the glee club. "Yeah totally. I'm so happy that the club is back up and running. I'm sure you're about to change so many kids' lives."

We got to Mr. Shue's office. "Hey, Mr. Shue." I greeted him.

He looked up at me, "Rachel!" He exclaimed.

"Hi." I said again and hugged him.

"I'm so glad to see you, it's been so long." Mr. Shue said.

"You here for sectionals?" He asked.

"Well I came to visit but I wanna see sectionals." I answered.

"I was thinking maybe you could stay and we could teach a whole lesson this week. Me, Rachel, maybe Mr. Shue, and maybe Sam." Finn suggested. I was thrilled.

After chatting for a few minutes Finn and I made our way to the football field where I saw Sam and Coach Beiste.

"Sam!" I exclaimed.

"Rachel. Oh my gosh, I've missed seeing you in person." Sam said.

"Same. It's different than texting." I said hugging Sam.

"Hey, Rachel!" Sheldon Beiste said.

"Hi!" I exclaimed, hugging him.

"My gosh, I've missed all of you." I told all of them.

After talking with them, Finn and I made our way back to the choir room.

Finn picked up his briefcase and turned to me.

"I was wondering if you wanted to catch up. You know in person not texting. Anyways if you're free do you want to go to Breadstix with me tonight?"

"Yeah, I'd love to." I answered. I think it was meeting up, not a date.

"Cool, I'll text you everything." He said and we walked to the parking lot.

"This is my car. See you tonight." I said and walked to my car.

"Cya!" He replied walking to the teacher's parking lot. Fancy.

A/N: Chapter 1 more to come :)

I'm Home- A Finchel love storyWhere stories live. Discover now