Chapter 8-Sectionals

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A/N: Spoiler alert! Finchel!

After a half hour the alumni and Mr. Shue were already in the choir room and the show was about to start. We got the death slot (first performing.).

All of the New Directions and alumni put their hands on top of each other.

" I know most of you are new but this is something we've done since 2009. Show circle. I'm so proud of you all and your hard work. Have so much fun out there... 1..2..3...Amazing!" Finn told everyone.

Besides winning and my solos, show circles were my favorite thing.


Once the alumni, Finn and I high-fived the new kids, they went to the auditorium and so did the alumni but Finn and I were still in the room.

"I means a lot that you dedicated this whole week to glee. This wouldn't be possible without you." Finn told me.

"No, thank you. Don't give me all the credit, we were the reason they're just good." I replied smiling.

Finn walked closer to me and our lips touched. Omg YES! After a while neither of us could breath so he pulled away, but I captured him in another kiss.

His hands were on my waist and my left hand was on his cheek while my right hand was on his arm.

"Finn, I still love you. I've been meaning to tell you this ever since I came back home. I still love you, always have, never stopped." I poured my feelings out. It felt so good to finally confess what I've been thinking for so long.

"I love you too." He said and kissed me once again. This time it was short, around 3 seconds. I giggled once I pulled away.

"Ok, we should probably go before the kids perform without us in the audience, since they're first." Finn said.

"Yeah I agree." I replied, taking his hand and walking towards the auditorium doors.


Apparently our seats were next to all our friends including coach Beiste, Mr. Shue, and Emma Pillsbury. Danny was sleeping next to a babysitter in case he starts to be loud. This should happen when any baby comes to anything, that way they'd be able to leave and stop being irritating.

I saw Sue Sylvester come up to us and smirk. "This club isn't gonna last long, Finchal." She walked over to the stage. What? All of the alumni looked at each other. She was the announcer?

"Okay, it's Vice President Sue Sylvester and I have to announce some random high school singing clubs with kids who dream to be Lady Gaga but it won't happen. Whatever, let's get it over with. Your judges are the Bubbles, the party magician, Donna Landries, and sister Tracy. Now our first contestant...William McKinley High School's New Directions." Sue announced.

The curtains opened and the music started. Rodrick came from the left side and started singing with a microphone in his hand. Kitty was still singing during the chorus quietly while she was offstage. She walked onstage and sang her part. They sounded absolutely perfect.

"Wow Rachel, Finn they sound great." Kurt whispered to us.

"Actually give all that credit to Finn. He was the one who was amazing with this whole club. Plus he worked on the duet more than me. I mainly worked on the group number." I explained I put my hand on Finn's cheek and looked into his beautiful eyes.

"Good job." Kurt fist-bumped his brother.

The song ended and the beginning of Break Free started. Jane started singing and the other solos came after. They all sang the chorus. There was confetti and everything. I think the kids enjoyed being on stage.

All of us stood up and applauded when they were done.

"Finchel...I gotta admit this was actually really good." Santana stated.

"We know." Finn and I said at the same time and laughed. Finn and I high-fived all our friends including Coach Beiste and Will.

Time passed and Sue was about to announce the winners. Finn walked on stage with the kids and they all crossed their fingers hoping to win. Sue stepped behind the podium and all of our friends were eager yet anxious to see if they won.

"In fourth place we have Crawford Country Day." We all clapped.

"In third place we have the Unitards!" Sue exclaimed. We all clapped. We're either in first or second eeks.

"And In second place we have the Dalton Academy Warblers." Sue said. OMG! We won! YES!

"And in first place...How is this possible? I guess the New Directions." Sue announced walking away.

All of us at the seats clapped and Sue handed Finn the trophy.

Kitty and Finn shook hands with Sebastian who seemed very annoyed since it was his last sectionals. I can't stand that guy, I remember when he threw a slushie at Blaine, and tried to post these fake photos of Finn. But it wasn't that much of a surprise, we completely deserved to win. Honestly Finn completely deserved to win. Well the kids, but he taught them well. New Directions for life!

Anyways after the show we all met up at the choir room again.

"Amazing! You guys were perfect! I think I could speak for everyone that you guys won by far! For most of you this was your first sectionals, and wow I'm so proud! Congrats! I think we should party!" Finn exclaimed happily.

"I actually knew you guys would win so I brought some bubbly and Kurt got pizza delivered to the school. No alcohol duh." I told everyone. Kurt walked into the room with 2 pizza pies in his arms. Perfect timing. Everyone cheered.

"Good, I'm starving." Spencer said, laughing. Everyone was partying and having a great time.

I got a drink for Finn and then walked over to him.

"Hi love." He said, kissing me.

"Hey, you were amazing this week. I love you Finn, I'm so proud of you." I told him. I was wrapped in his arms.

"I love you too. Do you wanna go out on a real date tomorrow?" He asked.

I nodded giggling, then kissed him again. I was giggling during this kiss BEST. DAY .EVER!

"Hey guys we're gonna do a group number with the newbies, all of us in one song. So stop making out and come." Puck told Finn and me.

We walked towards the middle of the room and the band walked in. They started playing the song Home by Edward Sharpe & The Magnetic Zeros. I sang first and afterwards other people had solos. After the chorus the new kids each had a line. We all cheered.

"We just sang a song with legends!" Jane exclaimed. All of us hugged.

A/N: Amazing right?!

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