Chapter 9-Dates

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1 day later


I'm getting ready to go on my first date with Finn. Well that isn't entirely true, we've been on many first dates but this was the first date we are going on the first since we broke up a few years ago.

I got dressed in off the shoulder blue dress with little polka dots, a brown belt and black heels. I wore light makeup. After a while my boyfriend knocked on the door. I immediately answered it and shyly said hi.

He smiled and his arm was behind his back but he moved his arm and held a bouquet of a whole mixture of flowers.

"Oh my gosh Finn, thank you." I thanked him. It had daisies, tulips, roses, lilies, violets, and more. I put the bouquet on the kitchen counter and held his hand walking into his car.

"Rachel, you look beautiful. Words can't describe." Finn said.

"Aw thank you. You also look handsome." I said and kissed him.

"Where to?" I asked, curious.

"I know you missed and loved the place and that's all I'm gonna say." He winked and kissed my cheek. I rolled my eyes. Ugh.


After 20 minutes we arrived. "Oh my gosh! I love this place!" I exclaimed. I hugged him and kissed his cheek.

"I know!" He exclaimed. We were at Rinky Dinks. It's a bowling alley/ roller skating rink. It's where Finn and I had our first kiss in 2009. We walked over and Finn got us shoes. We went to our section and put our names online so we see the points.

"I know you like meaningful places and sometimes not always a fancy dinner on the first date so I figured we should go to the place we had our first kiss sophomore year." Finn told me. Aw he is so cute. I gave him a light kiss on the lip.

After we broke the kiss he grabbed a pink bowling ball that was behind me and gave it to me.

"Here remember, I gave you a pink ball like this back in 2009." He said, sweetly. Aw I almost forgot about that. I rolled the ball and got 9 out of 10 pins.

"Here, you have a second try." Finn handed me a yellow ball.

"Ugh I hate when there's one left. It's so hard to get the exact place." I said while attempting the ball to knock over the pin. Surprisingly it did.

"Yay!" I exclaimed and hugged him.

"My turn." Finn picked up an orange ball. He got a strike because he knocked all the pins down in one throw.

I laughed, "good job!" We got pizza and Shirley temples.

"I canceled my flight. I was supposed to go home tomorrow." I told him.

"When are you leaving then. I don't wanna do long distance but if we have to I will." Finn replied.

"I think imma stay here for a while." I told him. He picked me up hugging me then kissing me.

"I'm so so so glad! I love you!" Finn exclaimed.

I giggled, "I love you too." It was kinda cold so Finn let me borrow his jacket. I thanked him.

We played a fun yet intense game of bowling.

"So what are you planning on doing here?" He asked.

"I don't really know. I wanna just do all this fun stuff, I reached my goals. I'll figure something out, but right now I just want to live everyday like it's my last. You taught me that." I told him. He smiled.

I'm Home- A Finchel love storyWhere stories live. Discover now