Chapter 5-Some things never change

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I woke up and I was lying on my living room couch. I saw Friends paused on the tv then I remember last night with my dad.

There was an amazing smell coming from the kitchen. I yawned, stretched and then walked over to the kitchen. I saw my dad all dressed up in a suit, I guess for work, and he was making waffles. My favorite.

"Dad, you made waffles! I love those. Thank you." I said. My dad's like the donkey from Shrek, loving the waffles first thing in the morning.

"I know you do. You're welcome baby girl." My dad replied, kissing my forehead.

I'm 23 but I still love when my dads treat me like I'm six, some things never change. I walked to the cabinet to get a plate, and I got 2 waffles and I ate them really fast. Amazing like always. Not a surprise.

"Alright sweetie, I'm off to work. Have a good day." My dad said walking out the door.

"Bye, have fun at work haha." I replied. I put my plate in the dishwasher and went upstairs to change. I put my hair in a loose ponytail, had a black skirt and a gray long sleeve crop top. Before I put makeup on I looked at my jewelry stand. I put on a necklace and some bracelets. A certain necklace caught my eye, it says Finn. I didn't wear it but I have a mission to be with him by the end of the trip.

I reached my first goal to learn everyone's names. Haha Kitty didn't get her $100. Being with Finn is my second. And my third is to get these kids to regionals, (them to win).

I put some makeup on and a different neck. I grabbed a black purse and black heels, then went out the door to get morning coffee at the Lima Bean.

My dad doesn't like coffee so we don't have any in the house. Imma buy a bag of coffee and a separate iced coffee with soy milk instead for regular. I've brought it up many times but Imma say it again, ever since I moved to New York I became vegan.

Today was going to be boring. Both of my dads had work and glee club is later today.

I went home and warmed up my voice. I forgot to take my morning run so I changed into my workout clothes. I'm wearing the outfit I wore earlier today later in glee because it's too cute to not wear out. I savor the nice weather and the runs outside because I have to go to the workout room and treadmill in the winter. I have a gym membership back in New York. I'm thinking about canceling my flight and staying here a bit longer.

After my run I took a nice, hot, long shower and put on the same outfit from earlier (makeup and hair too).

After a few hours I got in my car and drove to my old high school. I came early to prepare with Finn. He was in the choir room.

"Hey Rach." He said.

"Hey Finn. Coming early today. We could rehearse, I'll all warmed up." I told him.

"Yeah, same. Let's do this. Acapella." He replied. I nodded and started singing. We sounded even better, which I didn't think was possible. Right when the song ended the bell went off showing that glee club was about to start.

"Wow, great timing." Finn said.

"I know right." I replied.

The new gleeks walked into the famous choir room. I saw Sam, Coach Beiste and Mr. Shue walk into the room as well.

Also I thought a glee club needed 12 kids but I guess the rules changed.

Once everyone sat down I started talking, "Sectionals is tomorrow! I'm so excited and you all are definitely ready! But Finn and I have been preparing a duet to sing to you guys. So we're gonna sing it now. We actually sang it back in 2009 and it was one of our first ever duets. We've had so many after that. Anyways we'll sing to show you all, especially Rodrick and Kitty, a professional duet. Well you know a real glee club duet. Okay enough talking. But it's acapella by the way." I started to sing the song.

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