Chapter 10-I really am home

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A/N: Final chapter and it's good

4 months later


Finn and I are going so strong. We are basically married (hopefully one day we are). I'm still in Lima. Sometimes I visit the glee club.

We won Regionals with Kitty and Spencer singing Havana by Camilla Cabello and Young Thug, 2 group numbers No Tears Left To Cry by Ariana Grande and I Like It by Cardi B, Bad Bunny and J Balvin.

Finn and I were going to go watch another movie. We watched Mamma Mia. Aka me forcing him to watch it because I love the musical so much.


After that we went to Breadstix since we couldn't get a reservation anywhere else.

"Rachel, I wanted to talk to you about something." He started to say.

"Uh ok..." I was confused.

"So you know how I got my new house. I know you've been staying at your dad's but I was wondering if you, uh wanna live together. Obviously we don't have to. I'm just lonely and I figured since you're staying here for a while..." He was kinda nervous. I kissed him to shut him up.

"Yes. That's perfect. I'll start packing tonight." I said. He smiled. Not gonna lie, I wish he proposed but he might think it's too soon.

"I love ya Rach." Finn said.

"Right back at ya." I laughed. I went over to his house to really look around and see everything. I slept over to get a feel for it.


The next day Finn and I packed up my rooms from both of my dad's houses and moved into Finn's house.

I have OCD and I'm pretty sure he tried to hide that he was annoyed.

We eventually finished at 11:00. I had the best sleep. I love that boy so much and I'm excited to start the next chapter of my life with him.

2 months later


I came back to WMHS to teach a lesson with Finn. The kids really wanted to perform Taylor Swift so Finn and I eventually gave in. They were all so excited and immediately started talking about songs the second we gave them the lesson.

The song You Belong With Me completely demonstrates my feelings for Finn in high school. Him dating Quinn, but knowing I was better for him. I related to the lyrics so much.

While the kids were talking Finn took my hand and asked if I could come to the auditorium with him. He had lights set up and flowers. Aw so pretty. I think I know what's happening.

He had me sit on a chair and he started singing the song, Love Story. At the end he bent down on one knee. OMG OMG OMG!!!!!

I walked up to the stage with my mouth open in shock.

"Rachel Barbra Berry, I love you more than words could even describe. I've always known that it was always you. I want to live every day like it's my last. And I want to spend everyday with you for the rest of my life. Will you marry me?" He asked. OMG!!!!!!!

"YES!" I exclaimed, kissing him passionately.

3 months later


The New Directions got in 2nd at Nationals because Vocal Adrenaline won 1st. Jesse was the coach. It's so odd how he still has a crush on me. I'm engaged! All the kids had the time of their life performing like in LA.

It is my wedding day and although I'm a little nervous, I'm really excited. We were at the temple since I'm Jewish.

Quinn and Puck's wedding was perfect and I could only hope Finn and mine is going to be the same. This time Quinn was here in her pink bridesmaid dress so she didn't get in a car accident. Hopefully everything goes right. My bridesmaids were Quinn, Mercedes, Tina, Santana, Brittany, Kitty, Madison, and Jane. I didn't want to have a maid of honor. Quinn's was Mercedes. Meanwhile the groomsmen were Sam, Mr. Shue, Mike, Kurt, Blaine, Artie, Spencer, Rodrick, Myron, and Puck. His best man was Puck.

The bridesmaids, the ring bear (Danny Shuester), flower girl (Beth, yes I invited my birth mom to my wedding) and family members, all sang a cover of Marry You by Bruno Mars. It was the song Finn and I also sang in at Burt and Carol's wedding.

The song finished and I walked down the allyl holding on to both of my dads.

I saw Finn staring at me. He looked incredible.

The song switched and Blaine was singing a cover of All Of Me originally sung by John Legend.

I was looking at Finn once I reached the top of the steps. It felt like we were the only 2 people on the planet.

"You look gorgeous." Finn smiled.

"So do you." I smiled.

The Rabbi introduced us, "Welcome everyone to the wedding of these 2 lovely people, where Finn Hudson and Rachel Berry will secure their love to each other." Everyone clapped.

"I'm aware you both have prepared your vows." The Rabbi said. Finn and I nodded and held hands.

Finn started, "I always thought I had it all, but then I met you Rachel and you changed my perspective of life. You taught me that being a part of something special makes me special, and being here standing here holding your hand, being with you makes me so special. I would've suffered it all just to be here marrying you. You're my savior." Aw so sweet.

I started, "Finn, the second I saw your face I felt something for you. Over time it grew so much, I felt like a loser before I met you but ever since I met you years ago, I felt like I was a winner getting to know you. I've loved you since the first time I saw you. I'm the luckiest woman ever standing here with you, marrying you. You're my soulmate and no matter how  many times we tried to hide it, the love was still there. I'd suffer it all to be standing here with you. I'm a work in progress." I said.

"I'm a work in progress. He said.

"Finn, do you take Rachel to be your wife in sickness and health? Will you take her to be your wife forever?" The Rabbi asked.

"I do." Finn answered.

"And Rachel, do you take Finn to be your husband in sickness and health. Will you take him to be your husband forever?" The Rabbi asked me.

"I do." I answered. We were both crying happy tears.

He put a beautiful ring on my finger and I put a ring on his.

"May you both have the most love and power in the world. May you both have a happy and long life together. You may kiss the bride." The Rabbi said.

Finn kissed me passionately. Best kiss I've had in my life and I'm officially married to Finn Hudson.

We pulled and told each other we love one another.

We smashed the glass and everyone cheered.

My dads were crying and so were my mother and father in law (Burt and Carol.)

"Mazel tov!" The rabbi exclaimed.

This is the best day of my life and I'm really the luckiest woman to have Finn Hudson as my husband.

                              The End

A/N: That's it. I've worked so hard for months on it so I hope you enjoyed it. I think the ending is very good. Also I got to a Catholic school so I don't know how Jewish weddings are so feel free to tell me if you know how it works so I could edit the story. Ty.

Also a spin-off story is up. Not a sequel. It's Kitty's pov on everything! I also wrote a Quick based on this so another Spin off called Forever!

I'm Home- A Finchel love storyWhere stories live. Discover now