Do you miss me?

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2 Weeks Later.

2 weeks had passed since her birthday. Both of them were quiet busy in these two weeks, Bani was busy with the project which she was handling while Veer was getting more leads about Euphoria.Veer and Bani had become even more closer than earlier, though they were busy but they would sleep only after texting or face timing each other.

Bani finally got done with her project.She had decided to surprise Veer today by going to the singhania mansion. She also thought of gifting him something. He had done so much for and she wanted to gift him a small token of love to him.
Bani had now come for shopping. She knew that Veer was Mr Punctual so she decided to gift him a watch. She selected a watch for him, that's when she got a text and she checked her phone to read it.

Veer - Hey Sweetheart, I have to tell you something.

Bani - Yeah, tell me Veer.. Kya hua?

Veer - Its kinda serious...

Bani - You are scaring me now Veer.. Hua kya hein?

Veer -Bani woh actually...

Veer was typing while Bani was genuinely scared thinking about the worse possibilities.


He says and Bani is taken aback for a second.

Bani - OMG VEERRRR! You scared me!!!

Veer - And here I was expecting an " I miss you too"😪

Bani - 🙄🙄🙄

Veer- So you don't miss me?

Bani - Nope..

Veer - Are you sure?

Bani - Yes.. (She texts while trying to tease him)

Veer - So my thoughts don't warm you up? 😏

Bani looks at his text for a second, this conversation had taken a different route now.

Bani -No.. (She types while her face turns red)

Veer- You don't think about the breath against our faces as we cuddle with each other.

Bani - Stop It.... !!! (She says being all flustered)

Veer- Our hands playing with each other...

Bani - .....

Veer - Sometimes When we want to hold back yet want each other...

Bani - Veer.. One more text and I will block you...! 🙂

She closes her phone. Her face was as red as tomatoes.

Bani - Besharam ladka..!(she says Blushing at the same time)

As she turns to leave she collides with someone.

Lady - I am so sorry..

Bani - Its alright..

(She bends and starts picking her shopping bag.)

Lady - Bani..?

Bani looks the person and instantly recognises her.

Bani - Riddhima!!

Riddhima - Omg.. How are you?

Bani - I am great! How are you? And congratulations. (She tells Riddhima seeing her cute little baby bump)

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