Post-Date Drama and Hugging It Out

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Forgive me for the shortness of my previous chapter. I'm just super bummed because I STILL don't own Harry Potter. FML! D: 

I know what you're thinking. "The kitchens?! How does she know where they are?" People, you're underestimating me. Have you forgotten that James is my older brother? I wormed all of this information out of him ages before I asked my parents to transfer. Well, in hindsight, it wasn't that hard... he was already talking about it, and since he believed I was never going to go there anyway, he told me all about how the door to the kitchens is behind a painting of a fruit bowl, and that you have to tickle the pear in order to get inside. Personally, I don't quite understand the "tickle the pear" part, but whatever. 

I finally reached the painting about ten minutes after I left Amos at the entrance. Man, that was a lot of walking! I'd be surprised if I gained any weight here! I let myself in, and all of the house elves froze at the sight of me. Well, can't blame 'em, I'm pretty sure they wouldn't have guessed that a new student would find the kitchens on the first day of term. 

"O hai," I chirped, beaming at the lovely house elves. Why am I so happy again? 

It probably has to do with the fact that the date was a complete success! 

"Does you need something, miss?" A cute little female (I'm assuming) house elf asked me. 

"Well, now that you mention it," I said, "would it be any trouble for you if I asked for brownies?" 

"No trouble at all, miss!" another house elf cried, beaming at me. They all started working again, and one house elf led me to a little sitting area. All of the furniture was house elf sized, so I just sat on the floor next to a tiny coffee table.

"My name is Carla, miss," said the house elf who led me to the sitting area. "Can I just say, you look like Master James."

I laughed. "My name is Juliet, and yes, that would be because he's my brother."  

Carla smiled. "I thinked so, Miss Juliet." 

Just then my brownies arrived. I smiled at the house elf who brought them, and took them from him. "Thanks," I said to the house elves in general. "I'm going to share these with my friends. Is that alright?" They all nodded. Grinning, I walked towards the painting. 

"Come back if you needs us, Miss Juliet!" Carla called behind me, closing the painting door. 

I cast a disillusionment charm on myself and the brownies, hoping to high heaven no one would notice. 

~Let's skip her trip back to the common room, long story short, she almost gets lost again.~ 

I walked into the common room to find our group (bar Sev, Marlene and of course, the Marauders) sitting in a semi circle near the fire. 

"Hello pretty people," I sang, conjuring up a plate for everyone and distributing the brownies. 

"Someone's in a pretty good mood," Frank said with his mouth full, from next to Alice. 

"Why wouldn't she be?" Lily chimed, smirking at me. "She just had her first date with Mr. Dreamboat." I blushed and muttered a half-hearted "Shut up!" 

"Speaking of which, how did it go?" Mary asked, giggling. 

"It was okay, I guess." 

That response caused everyone to stare at me incredulously. 

"Is that really all you have to say?!" Emma all but shrieked.

I rolled my eyes. "Well, what do you want me to say?" 

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