The Date

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I'm sorry I've been so absent. Due to my long absences, I've decided that I shouldn't keep promising a new chapter every Sunday. I mean, it never works, anyway. So, since I'm so busy lately, I'll upload at least once a month instead. I know, that's a stretch, but its better than not uploading ANYTHING AT ALL for a number of months at a time... right? 

Don't judge this chapter, by the way. I forgot how I used to do this. Sorry! *Please don't kill me.*

Oh, and I'm not J.K. Rowling, as much as I wish I was. Therefore, I don't own any of the Harry Potter universe. That being said, enjoy the chapter, my lovelies! 

Crap, crap, crap! I mentally yelled at myself. I was ten minutes late! It was now ten after six, and I was making my way to the main entrance. I really hope Amos didn't think I stood him up! 

Well, if he's still there, he'd have to wait a little longer. The bloody castle is huge! I think I passed this corner twice already... 

"Oi! Young miss, have you lost your way?" 

I spun on my heel, searching for the source of the sound. 

"Up here, miss!" 

I glanced at the wall, finally spotting a painting waving its hands at me. "Yeah," I sighed. "Which way to the main entrance?" 

The painting cleared its throat. "You must pass three doors from the statue of the one-eyed witch, go down the stairs that follow, down to the first floor. Any place on the first floor will do, since the main entrance is hard to miss from there." 

I gave a sigh of relief. "Thanks," I said, sprinting in the direction of the stairs. 

Five minutes later, I got to the main entrance, and was ecstatic to see Amos still there. Yes! 

"Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry I'm late!" I said, trying to catch my breath. I looked up at him, only to find him smiling down at me. Damn height difference! 

"It's fine," he grinned. "I bet you got lost, right?" 

I laughed lightly. "That obvious, huh?" 

"Well, it was either that or you lost track of time." 

"Would you believe me when I said it was a combination of both?" 

We both laughed, before deciding that it was still bright enough outside to walk around the lake. We walked in silence for the most part, other than when Amos would point something out, like Hagrid's hut, and the Whomping Willow. We made sure not to go near the latter. 

That was when I decided to say something. "So, um. How has it been here so far?" Gah, Juliet! This is the best you could come up with?! 

He was quiet for a moment, before he answered. "Well, it's been okay. Like any other school, I suppose. How was Beauxbaton's compared to this?" 

I really hope that we don't keep talking about this subject. "Well, I think that Hogwarts is really fun, compared to Beauxbatons. Everyone there was so prim and proper, even the boys. It got on your nerves after a while. But it was such a beautiful place, you know? Ice sculptures and topiaries everywhere, depending on whether you were looking at it from the inside or the outside. I miss it a bit." We looked at each other and kept walking. Then, he broke the silence once more.

"What made you come here?" he inquired. I sighed deeply. I don't want to run from it anymore. I might as well tell him, and I'd tell the girls when I went back to the dorm. 

"Oh, you know. Relationship problems. Well, more accurately, my boyfriend was murdered. I couldn't stay there after that... everything within a mile of that place was associated to our relationship." My voice broke. God, Juliet, don't cry. I looked up at Amos to see a shocked expression on his face. Well, I couldn't blame him. 

"I'm sorry," I gave a shaky laugh. " I didn't mean to lay that on you all of a sudden. It's just, I've kept it hidden from many, many people and I wanted to get it out of my system." 

I just realized we were almost back to the entrance, and I looked up. He nodded, smiling softly. "Of course. But I just want to know, who else have you told?" 

"My parents," I said immediately, "and Bathilda Bagshot. She's a neighbor of ours who I'm very close to, and she knew something was wrong since I came home for break. I had to tell her." 

His eyes widened when he realized I was finished. "You didn't tell your brother? I thought you would tell him, at least." 

I stopped, having reached  the main entrance, and laughed humorously. "He wouldn't let me near another boy til the day I died. James' heart is in the right place, you have to understand, but he's too protective at times. I'm grateful for it, but.. it's just too much. So, you can't tell him. Please, promise me you won't?" 

"I promise," Amos whispered, tucking a strand of hair behind my ear. We stood there for a moment, just staring at each other, when I averted my eyes. 

"We should go in," I said, smiling softly. He smiled back and followed me inside. 

"Thank you," I said suddenly, "for listening. And for showing me around, as well."

"My pleasure," he grinned. I took a step forward, and standing on my toes, pecked his cheek. When I looked at him again, I grinned, and took off running towards the kitchens. 

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