Life Goes On

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Alright dearies, here it is, even though I shouldn't really upload until March. Which is really in like a week. But I'm feeling nice. And I might shower you with updates during that month as well, because it's my birth month and I want to. Oh, and I'm not gonna bother repeating the disclaimer to you. It should be drilled into your head by now.

Life goes on. I've been here at Hogwarts for a while now, and I think I've finally gotten the hang of school! I told the rest of the group (Alice, Frank, Sev and Marlene) about Harvey. Amos and I are going strong, though I get this weird feeling sometimes, like I'm not doing the right thing by dating him. I don't get it. Eh, maybe my feelings are screwed up and can't tell left from right. I wouldn't know. So, since then, I've just been rolling with it. 

Speaking of weird feelings, I get one of those every time I see Sirius. I have decided to stop fighting myself and admit that I like him a little. Just a little, okay, don't start building your ships. I don't exactly know why I do, but I do. I caught him staring a few times, and he has asked me out a few times as well. I think he's holding himself back a bit, though. He probably still remembers that breakdown from the summer. Well, I'm not as emotionally unstable as I was then, so I should be okay. 

Also, Emma has been a bit distant since I started dating Amos. I mean, officially dating him, which was at the end of September. She seemed stressed whenever I would hang out with her, which wasn't often, and not for lack of trying on my part either. She hasn't been mean or anything, at least, not as far as I know. She just keeps her distance from me. Not anyone else in the group, just me. Did I do something wrong?

It is now the middle of October. Our first Hogsmeade weekend is fast approaching. As is Halloween. I found out recently that there will be a masquerade party on Halloween night, which was a Saturday. The girls and I are going to go look for our dresses during the Hogsmeade weekend. I'm going with Amos, of course. He already asked me, and I said yes, naturally.

For some reason, Remus was nowhere to be found for most of the first week of school, and for the first week of October. I don't know what's going on with him, but I have a strange feeling that all of the Marauders have something to do with it. Am I just being paranoid? I dunno. Maybe.

One thing's for sure, something is happening at Hogwarts; something big, and I don't know what. And I guess, that's what scared me the most. 

"Julie, coming?" Lily's voice said from behind me, snapping me out of my reverie. 

"Coming," I called. What was today again? Let's see, it was the 16th of October... Thursday? Let's hope I'm right.

*Fast forward to everyone down in the Great Hall* 

I walked into the Great Hall and took my normal seat between Sev and Amos. Yeah, Amos started sitting with us at breakfast and dinner. He still sat with his friends at lunch, which was okay. I considered it sweet that he ever sat with me.

"Did I miss anything?" I asked, giving Amos a quick peck on the cheek, and giving Sev a small hug. 

 "Nothing," Lily replied, giggling. "Just Mary groaning about double morning Potions today!" 

I suddenly jumped up. "So today IS Thursday!" 

That's when I noticed that the whole Great Hall became quiet after my outburst. I quickly scrambled into my seat, but not before I noticed Dumbledore chuckling. I MADE THE HEADMASTER CHUCKLE! SUCCESS! 

 Well, that immensely boosted my ego.

After the laughter within our own group died down, Amos and Sev left to go to their own classes, and the rest of our group went to Potions. 

"Lily! Juliet!" Slughorn beamed as we walked in. "How are two of my favorite students?" 

"We're fine, thank you," Lily said, while I just smiled. If you haven't guessed already, Lily and I are in the Slug Club. So is Remus, sort of, except for the fact that he hangs out with my brother. 

"Right, well, take your seats." 

I can't wait for Hogsmeade weekend. 

I can't think of anything to write! D: So that is why this was meant to be on the short side. Also, I've decided that Vanessa Hudgens is Juliet. Why do I feel like I'm going to regret this decision? Anywho, comment and vote and stuff! I need it :P 

~Simmi <3

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