I Screwed It

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SURPRISE! This is going to be in Sirius' point of view. It's going to start from before the part where we meet him for the first time, up until right after the part where Juliet breaks down. So, enjoy! 

James sent me an owl saying to meet him in Madam Malkin's today... well, he sent the owl last night. So here I am, finding clean clothes to wear. It can get hard, especially when you're known to your family as "a withered branch on the noble family tree of Black," and your house elf doesn't listen to your commands for that reason. Finally finding a clean shirt, I rushed downstairs. I better tell mother, though, because she'll flip if I'm not home when it's time to do my chores. Yes, we have a house elf, but when you're hated by your family, they do anything they can to make your life a living hell. 

"Mother, I'm going to Diagon Alley," I called. 

"Okay, Sirius, be sure not to spend too much! And only from the gold that we have in your vault!" She replied. Yeah, I have my own vault. It's because my family doesn't trust me with their belongings OR their gold, especially the latter.

"Whatever," I mutter. Taking a handful of dust in my right hand, I yell "DIAGON ALLY" as I release the dust. Then, all goes black for a minute. 

Then, suddenly, I appear in the fireplace of the Leaky Cauldron. The Leaky Cauldron is the entrance to Diagon Alley. It's like, this sort of pub, you see, and I'm actually friends with the bar tender. Well, honestly, everyone is. You can't help but like Tom. 

"Hey, Sirius, m'boy," he called. Speak of the devil. Ha, I'm joking... 

"Hi, Tom. James come by today?" I had to know! James said that he has something to show me, something I haven't seen before. I'm curious, sue me. 

"No, son, can't say he has. I'd have seen, wouldn't I?" 

"Of course," I sighed. Well, he's not here yet. It's probably Juliet keeping him. Maybe he had to tell me something about her...? "Well, Tom, I'll be going. Got stuff to do, people to see." I waved at him and walked away. 

As I walked, I wondered what James wanted to show me. It couldn't have been about Juliet, he would've told me, Remus, and Peter at school... unless something happened over break, or unless he forgot while drooling over Lily. But he would have owled me, right? I tapped the magical bricks that granted access to Diagon Alley while thinking it through. He wouldn't owl me if something serious had happened... Snap out of it Sirius, you're losing your calm-and-collected touch. No, it's probably just that James and Lily finally got together. Or, James found me a new girl-toy! Oh, I hope that I'm right for either one of those. And if James only wanted to see me, well, it's probably just to catch up. James not really big with news, see, because he's kinda unobservant. Oh well, now that I'm here, I might as well go shopping. 

After going to Gringotts, here I am at Madam Malkin's. I'm getting really tall... at least, that's one of the things all those girls say they love about me. But, I let them go after a week or so. They're too clingy, you know? I kept browsing through the robes. Glancing at Madam Malkin, I noticed that Lily was here. Just in case you forgot, Lily Evans is the girl that James has a MAJOR crush on. He keeps asking her out, and she keeps rejecting him. I even think James cries a bit each night because Lily prefers Snivellus over him. Snivellus is really Severus Snape, he and Lily used to be friends since before they came to Hogwarts. They're near inseparable, except for the fact that he's in  Slytherin, and she's in Gryffindor- with us. James thought this was pure luck, and that his chance is a lot better now. 

Speaking of James, here he comes now, with his mom, and some girl at his arm. Hey, she's pretty. Like, hot kind of pretty! I sighed. James hasn't seen me yet... Hey, why don't I sneak up behind the girl? Not a bad idea, conscience, not a bad idea. I walked up behind her and winked at James. He grinned back, and the girl turned around. Only then did I see her up close for the first time. Cocking my head to the side, I hoped James would get the message. 

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