Sirius Black

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  • Dedicated to Jawairah Khan

OH EM GEE! Tall, dark and handsome? Isn't that, like, your typical love fortune from the fortune teller? You know, "You will run into a tall, dark, handsome stranger!" Yup, I'm still confusing myself... OH and the picture on the side is of Sirius Black. 

I know, that's so cliche, but what can you do? Anyways, the stranger was tall, and he had dark hair... and, though I really don't want to admit, he was kind of handsome. I hope you heard that, because you won't catch me saying it again. If there's one thing I hate, it's letting a guy know that you think about him or that you think he's cute. Anyways, he grabbed my arms, which made me a bit uncomfortable... you know, because of the "incident" that I'm not going to mention anytime soon. So, Mystery Man looked behind me with a confused expression. Apparently, the look was meant for James, who answered his unspoken question.

"This is Juliet, my adorable little sister," he said. Then it hit me. The dark hair, the height, the handsomness... Oh, THIS is Padfoot, I thought to myself. I only knew that because James had told me about everything; who we would be hanging out with, our classes, the houses... and everything there is to know about Lily Evans. Who, judging by the look on James' face, was nearby. I finally spotted her, thanks to James' description of her and his staring.

"Don't let Lily hear you saying that, James," I said, not even bothering to lower my voice. I knew she was listening, because she spun to find the source of the voice that spoke her name. Catching her eye, I winked, and continued my statement. "She might get jealous." With that, I wriggled out of Sirius' grasp, leaving James blushing profoundly and Sirius laughing and staring after me. "She would be a perfect addition to the Marauders," I heard Sirius say to James when the laughter died. Of course, I knew who the Marauders were. That was the name of James' group: Remus Lupin, A.K.A Moony; Peter Pettigrew, A.K.A Wormtail; Sirius Black, A.K.A. Padfoot; and last but not least, James Potter, A.K.A Prongs. They were all illegal animagi, all except Moony. James wouldn't tell me why, which is the only thing he's ever kept from me.

I'll find out eventually, I told myself. Sighing, I got back to my uniform fitting.


It took us all day to finish shopping for the upcoming year. Once we returned home, I plopped right onto bed. The next day, I began to pack all of my belongings. The bag from Flourish and Blotts was especially heavy; I was taking a LOT of subjects. At Hogwarts, they have a few subjects that aren't there in Beauxbatons. For instance, at Hogwarts they teach Muggle Music, Xylomancy, and Ghoul Studies! (a/n: I'm really not joking. These are seriously classes! Check the external link for more info.) I didn't even know those were subjects! But, apparently they are... needless to say, we didn't have those at Beauxbatons. You know, it's kind of a mouthful to say Beauxbatons... so from now on, I'm calling it BeBe, or BB. (a/n: I can't keep typing in Beauxbatons, that's ridiculous! It takes too much time... yes, I know I'm lazy.) Okay, so where was I... OH YEAH! I'm taking the main subjects, obviously, because you can't drop those until sixth year. In case you didn't know, the main subjects are Astronomy, Charms, Defense Against the Dark Arts, Herbology, History of Magic, Transfiguration, and Potions. (Another a/n: I'm not making Juliet take flying, whatever the website says, cuz I'm pretty sure that's for first years only... right?) I'm also taking a few electives. If you're one of those dumb people who don't know what electives are, (you really need to get a life, by the way) those are the extra subjects you can take after your second year. The electives are Ancient Runes, Arithmancy, Muggle Studies, Care of Magical Creatures, and Divination. I'm only taking Ancient Runes, Arithmancy, and Care of Magical Creatures, though. James and I are taking the same classes... well, we're "joined at the hip," what do you expect?

Well, anyway, I was packing all of my stuff into a suitcase and a carry on, when the doorbell rang downstairs. At least, I think it was the bell. My music's too loud, I can barely hear myself think... but before you go on telling me that it shouldn't be on that loud, let me tell you, isn't that what all teenagers do? Oh, NOW look, you've got me sidetracked from the story! Okay, back to the present. So, the bell rang, and I heard James go downstairs to get the door. I quickly shut off the music, in case it was grandma... yeah, she shows up at the strangest times, without warning. Well, one thing's for sure: I turned off my music for nothing, because at this moment, right outside my open bedroom door, is none other than Sirius Black.


Dun dun DUN! What's HE doing here? Smells fishy to me, honestly... and I don't even know what's going to happen next! This makes no sense, according to me. Great, now I have that Orianthi song stuck in my head. Well, I guess you can get it stuck in your head too. How? I'm going to put the youtube video on the side! How? I don't know yet! Oh well. I confuse myself sometimes. :3

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