Garden-side Chat

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When I finally finished my sob session, I finished packing and put my suitcase away. When I was about to open the door, I noticed a piece of paper on the floor. That wasn't there earlier, I thought to myself. I picked it up, to find a message written with sloppy handwriting.

It read, "Ms. Bagshot says hi, and that you can come over and help her with her gardening around five if you're done packing. Oh, and I'm sorry for whatever I did to make you cry." 

No doubt, it was from Sirius. 

"Well, I'm all packed," I said to myself. Then, I glanced at the digital clock on my bedside table. It read 4:45 PM. Well, I still have time to get ready. Right you are, inner voice of mine. Right you are. 

I know, you're probably thinking we're blood traitors, because what other wizards have so many muggle things? Well, it's because my parents lived in hiding before they met each other. They hid in the houses of muggles that knew of wizards, and squibs. Then, after my parents got married, they were already so accustomed to the muggle way of life, that they decided to decorate our house with muggle items. Call us blood traitors, I don't care. But, if you dare to, watch out... James and I will get revenge. ;) 

Okay, so anyways... after I got ready, I headed downstairs to find mum, so I could let her know that I was going to Ms. Bagshot's.

I'm skippin that whole getting ready thing... it's kinda awkward... um, if you wanna see her outfit, check the external link :) But I couldn't find that hat for it, so I just put the hat on the side. It's adorable. <3 

"Mum, I'm going to visit Ms. Bagshot," I said as I turned to go into the living room. When I got there, I noticed that it wasn't mum.  It was none other than my brother, hanging out with the one person I've been trying to avoid since about an hour ago. Sirius Black. 

"Blimey, why are you everywhere?" I blurted out in anger. I turned and left the room before he could answer, but not before I saw James give Sirius an alarmed and confused glance. 

Walking into the kitchen, I saw mum and dad making lunch. "Mum, dad, I'm going to Ms. Bagshot's, okay?"

"Sure, dear," mum replied. "We will be having dinner at eight today, though, so be home by then." 

"Yeah, mum. Bye. Love you both," I called as I walked out the front door. Walking down the steps, I skipped to the garage to get my bike. There were several robberies nowadays, so I made sure to lock the garage before riding off towards Ms. Bagshot's garden. 

"Hey, Ms. Bagshot," I called as I chained my bike to the fence. She turned around almost immediately. "Why, hello Juliet! No doubt Sirius gave you my message?" 

"Of course," I replied. "How else would I have known?" She shrugged, and I knelt down next to her. "So, what are we planting today?" I asked. "Oh, you don't need to do anything," she sighed. There's nothing to be done. I just called you over for company. I wanted to talk to you before leave tomorrow."

"Um, okay," I sighed confused. "What about?" 

"It's about you. Well, you've been very lonely since that Easter break you spent at Beauxbatons," she started. "I was thinking... well, it's just a suggestion... maybe, you should-"

"find a boyfriend?" I cut her off. She seemed flustered now, if she wasn't already.

"Well, erm... yes. You should." I groaned, knowing what was coming. "Juliet, dear, it's not healthy to be alone for so long. Take it from me." Uh oh. Cue the sob story!

"When Bernard died," she said, sniffling, "I was all alone. You know, him being my last son. His father had passed long before, and all I have now are my cats. But they can't fill the void, Juliet. Being alone creates a void. And it can only be filled by someone you love. Someone human. You should give love a try." Ugh, not THIS again! I have to end this as soon as possible. 

"There are bound to be some nice guys at Hogwarts, right? Find a boyfriend!" Before she could say anything else, I cut her off. 

"Ms. Bagshot, I'm sorry, but I do NOT need a boyfriend! I'm fine by myself. I have friends, and I'll just hang out with James if I want male company." I took a deep breath, and Ms. Bagshot took this oppurtunity to add onto what she was saying earlier. 

"Yes, yes," she sighed impatiently. "I know you prefer not to be given orders, Juliet Grace." Oh no, she used my full name, I thought to myself. She's serious! 

Just to be clear, I don't have any issues with my middle name. I just find it a mouthful to say, especially when you're introducing yourself to other people. 

"Just please try to get a boyfriend this year," Ms. Bagshot pleaded, bringing me out of my thoughts. "For me." 

She's so nice to me. I just couldn't say no! 

"Oh, alright," I mumbled. "I'll try."

Ms. Bagshot's face lit up like a christmas tree. "Oh, thank you," she cried. She hadn't looked happier for a long, long time. 

As I rode my bike home, I thought todays events over. Was my promise worth it? Is it possible that I could relive my past?

Kay, I know it's short, and no one reads it, but I wanted to get this chapter up anyway. I don't know why I continue to post this anyway, it's mostly because I get bored. Oh well, another one done. Thanks for reading, whoever does! 

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