Sibling Rows and Strange People

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Another day, another chapter! So, how are ya'll doing? Oh, and dislaimer... I do not own Starkid or Harry Potter, or anything else that looks like it's not mine. 

I was so busy being excited about my upcoming date and marveling over the fact that Hogwarts boys were all it took to move on from my last boyfriend that I forgot to tell Lily and the rest of the girls about Amos... oh, and I forgot to take notes on the O.W.L.s as well, but I wasn't going to do that anyway. 

When I walked into the Great Hall for lunch, Amos winked at me, and the girls all looked between us with raised eyebrows. When we sat down at our table, Sev, Frank and Alice were already there. Sev gave Lily and I hugs, before sitting down in between us. Doe, from my other side, nudged my arm. 

"Spill," she and Mary said simultaneously. 

I blushed. "There's nothing to talk about!" 

Just then, Sirius and James walked up to me. 

"Julie," Sirius said slowly. "Why is Diggory looking at you every now and then?" 

"He's just using his eyes, Padfoot," I replied, exasperated.

"He's not the only one using his eyes, then," James interrupted whatever Sirius was about to say. "The Lockhart kid has been staring at you since yesterday!" 

"Oh for the love of god!" I groaned. "Will you two stop being my bodyguards? If you must know, Amos and I have a date this evening." 

"Diggory?" Sev intervened. Lily giggled at my situation. "Are you sure about this, Jule?" 

I raised my eyebrows at him. "You rather I go out with Black here, or Lupin? I'm not even going to consider Pettigrew!" Seeing the mentioned boys' faces fall, I quickly added, "No offense." 

"But what's wrong with them?" James asked heatedly. "Though he is my best mate, I'd rather you date Sirius than that Hufflepuff any day! Keep it in the house, you know?" 

Sirius just looked between the two of us, mumbling something incoherent. 

"James," I said in a dangerously low voice, "stay out of my personal life. You have no idea what happened last year, so you don't know what lengths I'd go to, just to get my way. Be careful, James, you and your lot are treading on thin ice. Now leave me alone, so I can eat in peace!" James was about to say something else, but I cut him off. "Or better yet, stay here. I don't even want to be in the same room as you right now." I turned to Lily and the rest. "Sorry, but my dear brother just ruined my appetite. I'm going to my Divination, if you need me." I was about to storm off, but Sev grabbed my arm. 

"I'll come with you," he said. "Divination is really far from here, and you'd get lost. Besides, I have Divination now, too." 

I smiled gratefully at him. "Thank you, Severus." I walked out of the Great Hall with Sev behind me. 

Since not many people chose Divination as their elective, the fourth and fifth years from all houses who chose Divination as their elective would be taking the class together. Professor Videntis, the Divination professor, tried pairing us into two, but then there were three of us remaining. So, I somehow got stuck with the boy that Sev was talking to this morning, and some Ravenclaw in my year. None of us said a word for about half of the class. After a big, awkward silence at our table, however, I decided to just say something. 

"I'm Julie," I whispered. That earned me a stiff nod from the Slytherin boy and a half smile from the Ravenclaw girl. 

"Sybill," the girl whispered back, "but you can call me Bill." Strange girl... 

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