Chapter 7

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Hello beautiful people and happy Friday! Here is your weekly update along with chapter 8 cause why not :)

Please read the note at the beginning of next chapter as it's very important!

Excuse any grammatical errors.


-Simone <3

"What do you mean I'm coming to live with you?"

"I'm not repeating myself," Levi said as he looked around. "Where's your room?"

"Uh down the hall first door on the right," I told him as I closed the door and followed him to my room. "But wait a minute!"

"Everything you're taking is in boxes already I assume," Levi said out loud looking at my belongings, though he was more than likely talking to himself.


"Good. Less work for us. My car is running and I figured you didn't have much." Levi picked up boxes and carried them out of my room and to his car. "Seems like I was right."

"I'm not going with you," I told him once he came back inside.

"Yes, you are. Stop being a brat and let's go."

"No, I can't-"


"Because I just can't," I said as I looked away from him.

Again I hated feeling like I was a bother or a burden on the people I care about. I don't want to owe anyone anything because I know I would pay them back, some how some way, regardless if that person didn't want that. I don't like relying on others when I'm the one who was in this situation. It was mine to deal with and mine alone.

It's like when you don't want to go to a party with a friend because you don't have a car, but you ultimately decide to go, only to regret it. You're ready to leave the party, but guess what? You can't because your friend isn't ready to leave yet and you didn't drive. If you had your own car you could come and go as you please.

Also doesn't help that I've felt like a burden and a bother when it came to my parents as I grew up. Every single thing I wanted to do or was doing, felt like a chore to my parents. Maybe it was because I was the second child and they were tired of dealing with me and my activities, I don't know.

When I asked my mom to take me dress shopping for prom she acted like I forced her to go, like I was ruining her day and overall it was a horrible experience.

It was always like that with my family.

Now that I'm older, it effects my relationships. Never wanting help, never asking for help, even if I desperately need it.

Levi sighed, "Stop thinking you're going to be a bother. If I thought that, you wouldn't be coming to live with me now would you? And living with your ex. Come on Ash, even I know you hate it here." He walked away from me with an eye roll and continued to get the few boxes I had from my room.

Throwing on some clothes I began to help load up the rest of my things into Levi's car. I had so many questions my mind was running a mile a minute, but I would ask later. For now, I'm just grateful to leave, even if it is by force, kind of. I didn't want to argue with him, nor did I want him to throw me over his shoulder and haul me out the apartment.

Just as we were walking out with the last of my things, Marcus stepped inside looking around before his eyes met mine briefly and looked over at Levi.

"Who's this?"

"Levi. A good friend of mine that I've told you about." I told him as I stood behind Levi. "We're leaving so the place is all yours."

Marcus looked Levi up and down, trying to be intimidating. "I've never met this guy before-"

"I met him way before I knew you."

"Move," Levi said, clearly irritated.

"Hold up. I'm talking to Ash, not you," Marcus tried to get around Levi to grab me just as Levi grabbed his wrist instead while still managing to hold the box in his hands. Levi twisted until Marcus let out a yelp in pain and snatched his arm away, holding it gently.

Levi brushed past him, making sure to bump Marcus as he walked out first. "Let's go."

"Key is on the counter," I told Marcus, not even sparing him another glance.

Outside with Levi, he put the last box of mine into the backseat. His car was pretty slick. It was a black small SUV and looked like it had just been washed as it shined in the sun.

"Wait a minute. You should not be driving," I told Levi as he attempted to get into the driver's seat.

He rolled his eyes, "You sound like my mother."

"I'm driving."

Levi sighed loudly and tossed me his keys, not bothering to argue as he walked over to the passenger seat and got in. "Don't crash my car."


"Levi are you sure it's fine if I stay here?" I asked for the hundredth time as I looked at the back of his head.

He responded the same way every time I asked, "Yes Ash."

Dull and uninterested.

"I feel like I'm intruding on your space," I told him honestly.

"You're not," he said simply.

"You're sure?"

Levi set his book down on the couch and looked at me over his shoulder.


Sitting down on the arm of the couch I waited for him to speak as I looked over at him. His eyes met mine.

"What do I have to do so this place feels like yours too?" He asked.

I thought for a moment, "Allowing me to leave dishes in the sink-"

"Absolutely not."

"Just a few! I'm not going to wash dishes every time I'm done using something."

Levi let out a sigh. "Fine, but only a few."

"I promise."

"What else?"

"Letting me decorate a little bit. I don't know it just feels like everything is all yours, cause it is of course, but...I don't know. Just let me add a flower vase or a picture frame or something."

"Is that all?"

"Twice a month we're having a movie night, starting tonight."


"Because we're both busy, you work at your shop and then I have school, plus work, so I would want one night twice a month that's dedicated to us." I smiled and looked into my hands before I poked his cheek, "Plus I missed you."

Levi smacked my hand away, "Whatever. Anything else?"

"Your side of the room can be as clean as you want it to be. My side of the room can be how I want it to be."

Levi shot me a glare but ultimately agreed. "Just hurry up and pick a movie already. It's late."

"One more thing."


"Can we pick up where we left off?"

Levi rolled his eyes and let out a tch.

God, I didn't know it was possible to miss that sound.

"I thought that's what we were doing anyways."

It Took a Little Time (Levi Ackerman x Black OC)Where stories live. Discover now