Chapter 18

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Here's a long one for you! Almost 3,700 words!

If you've read this far then I assume you are basically caught up with the anime or fully read the manga... or you just don't care and are continuing to read anyways if you do follow AOT, however I'm still going to put spoiler warnings.

Season 3 spoilers in this chapter.

Pronunciation of some new names at the end of this chapter.

Excuse any grammatical errors.

See you soon lovelies,

-Simone <3


I put the covers over my head and snuggled deeper into my pillow. "Go away. It's too early."

"Get up brat. You need to get dressed. We'll be leaving in an hour."

I groaned. "Five more minutes Levi."


"Yeesss," I dragged out. "Please."

The covers were ripped from my body and the cool air of the room hit me. I let out another groan and put the pillow over my face.

"Ash," Levi warned, his tone even more serious than usual.

"Alright old man, I'm up," I mumbled sitting up and rubbing my eyes, taking my bonnet off. I threw my pillow at him only for Levi to grab it and toss it aside, not at all phased by my antics. He was next to the bed folding the blanket he had taken from me."How long have you been up?"


I saw he was already dressed in some grey sweats and a black shirt, his hair still damp from his shower.

Even early in the morning he still manages to look good.

"Stop staring at me and go shower."

I waved him off as I climbed out of his bed. "Yeah yeah."


"I'm going to go get our room keys. You two stay right here." Kuchel said as she looked at me and Levi.

My legs were sore and I was tired. All I wanted to do was lay down for a few minutes. My legs were squished on the plane and I couldn't get too comfortable during the six-hour plane ride. And then had to be squished and packed like sardines into the resort van that brought us here.

Not to mention it was hot and I needed to desperately change out of leggings and this long sleeve shirt.

Levi shook his head. "It's fine. I can go check us in," he told her.

Kuchel smiled. "I think you have to greet some people first," she said as she walked towards the front desk.

"Captain Levi!"

We both turned around to see a large group of people sprinting over to Levi and embraced him in a tight hug.

I stepped to the side and couldn't help but laugh at the sight. Levi looked highly irritated while everyone hugging his small body seemed happy and excited to see him.

"Alright that's enough," Levi said, finally able to get a word in. They let go and stood straight up, most of them looking down at him. "You brats got taller. It's like you're sprouting up just to spite me."

"Ah, shorty we missed you!" Hanji beamed as she hugged Levi some more, her cheek on his.

Levi huffed with an eye roll as he pushed her off, "I just saw you a few days ago."

It Took a Little Time (Levi Ackerman x Black OC)Where stories live. Discover now