Chapter 41

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Hi, lovelies! I wanted to take a minute to address something. Since I've posted my chapters, I realized that this fic could come off as disrespectful towards people who are handicapped in some way or in wheelchairs since I myself am not a part of this community. If this is the case please let me know. The last thing I want to do is disrespect a community or offend anyone with my writing.

Having Levi in a wheelchair, like he is in the manga, is a part of the story however, it's not the base. Just like I've written my OC, him being handicapped wouldn't change anything nor would she look at him differently. He is just someone who happens to end up in a wheelchair over time and I've made sure to write that way.

I don't want to make it seem like I'm telling the story of someone who is handicapped as if I myself have experienced it, if that makes sense.

As a Black woman, inclusivity and diversity are very important to me and I want to do things correctly when including other communities, even if this is just fanfiction, my other fanfics and stories that I'll publish will have that same mindset.

I haven't read any full fics where Levi is how he is in the manga, so I wanted to give it a try just so this was an option for some people. Even though these chapters are completed already and I'm posting them when I can, they can be edited if need be because again, I don't want to disrespect anyone so please let me know if I am!

That felt good to get off my chest, I had been thinking about it for a while.

That's all I have for you today.

Excuse any errors and enjoy <3




"Are you dressed?"

Still looking at my laptop, typing away as I worked on a project I replied "Yeah?"

'Cause I mean I am dressed.

In sweats and a hoodie.

I heard Levi come into the living room and suck his teeth. "Ash, you're not dressed."

"What? Yes, I am."

He sighed. "Do you remember we have somewhere to be today?"

I stopped typing.

We had somewhere to be. Today? No, that's not right.

"Today? I know we have Journey's birthday party, but that's tomorrow. The 20th."

"The 20th is today."

Wait what?

I looked down at the date in the corner of my screen to see that it was the 20th and that it was going on one in the afternoon. The party started in fifteen minutes.

"Oh shit," I sighed and rubbed my face with my hands.

I can't believe I forgot. I have been so caught up finishing assignments for finals that I let it slip my mind. I got a little behind after Carter and Reiners wedding and have been playing catch up ever since, but with finals being next week I've barely slept, barely eaten, and have rotted my brain and eyes looking at this computer screen going from tab to tab, and app to app.

Not to mention graduation is next Saturday as well. I had already gotten my cap, gown, and tickets. Luckily we were given six. I had already decided it would be Levi, Michelle, Journey, Kuchel, my aunt, and grandma.

It Took a Little Time (Levi Ackerman x Black OC)Where stories live. Discover now