Chapter 37

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Excuse any grammatical errors.

Some cuteness for ya this chapter :)

Enjoy lovelies!


"I'm here."

"Okay, here I come," I hang up and walk to the door and unlock it to see Carter, Reiner, and Journey.

"Auntie Ash!"

I smile and pick her up and hug her. "Hi, Journey! Did you have fun with Auntie Car and Uncle Reiner?"

"Yeah! We played a bunch of games and Uncle Reiner even let me sit on his back."

I gasped dramatically since that's what you have to do with little kids, simply over-exaggerate. "That sounds like fun. I have the tv on for you in the living room so why don't you go watch some tv while I talk to Auntie Car for a minute okay?"

"Okay." I set her down and she went up to Reiner, hugging his legs. "Bye Uncle Reiner."

He smiled down at her. "Bye, kiddo."

Journey let go of him and did the same thing to Carter before she sprinted inside the apartment to watch tv.

"How was she?" I asked, looking between the both of them.

"Fine like always," Carter starts to explain as she gives me all of Journey's bags and car seat. "We went to pick her up right after dinner and you know Michelle overpacks everything so you're all set. We did play games and then she wrestled with Reiner and that tired her out. She was out like a light by the time we put her to bed."

I nodded. "Has she eaten anything?"

"When she first got up yeah. She had some cereal," Reiner chimed in. "She might be a little hungry now though."

Carter takes Reiner's hand. "I gave her a bath already but she has other clothes to change into if you decide to go out with her today."

"We will. We're gonna take her to the aquarium and maybe go see a movie."

"How fun! Well, she's all yours now. I haven't heard from Michelle, but I did text her to tell her we dropped her off with you."

"Okay. I'm sure she'll text us whenever she gets up. Thank you for dropping her off," I say to them.

"See you later girl."

They start to walk away when Reiner turns to face me again. "I'm sorry about dinner... and with what Zeke said to you. It was way out of line and I told him off afterward."

I smiled reassuringly. "Thank you. I don't want you to feel bad about it either, since he's your friend."

He nodded and smiled at me back as the two walked to the elevator. I brought Journey's things inside as I set her car seat by the door and her bags into the living room. She had taken off her shoes and left them by the door along with her coat. I picked up her coat and hung it up in the closet.

"Journ would you like to help me make breakfast?"

She looked at me and smiled wide. "Yes."

I tilted my head in the direction of the kitchen and she followed me. I grabbed the stool that we keep in the kitchen and moved it towards the counter so Journey could see.

It Took a Little Time (Levi Ackerman x Black OC)Where stories live. Discover now