Chapter 44

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Sorry for being MIA. Went through a slump and began questioning this entire story. I even thought about deleting it and rewriting it entirely, but then I sat back and thought that this story, and the others I plan on writing/posting, don't need to change the world to be worth writing or reading. My stories wouldn't exist without me and I think that's beautiful. Everyone deserves to escape reality through reading and writing.

Plus life is lifing right now and we're just taking it a day at a time.

Whew! Anyway, this chapter is dedicated to those who toughed it out and finished school! That shit wasn't easy in no way shape or form and we did it.

To those of you who didn't finish or didn't go at all, that's okay too! School definitely isn't for everyone and don't let anyone try to devalue you because you didn't finish/didn't go.

You're still smart and still worthy.

Excuse any errors.

-Simone <3

"Are you nervous?"


"You sure about that?"

"Of course I am. Why?" I asked as I searched through the closet in our bedroom for my cap and gown.

"Because you put your dress on inside out."

I blink, step in front of the mirror, and turn around to see that my dress is on inside out. I sigh and shoot a playful glare over to Levi who is sitting in his wheelchair ready to go. Granted he had been ready long before me.

One thing about Levi is that he was quite punctual. If he needed to be somewhere by a certain time he was never late and never on time because on time was late, so he was always early. I have no clue if he was like this while he served but I can only imagine he was since he was a Captain.

I take my red wine-colored dress off and quickly put it back on the correct way, making sure the slit is where it needs to be and my straps are adjusted as need be. I turn and face Levi who beckons me over to him with two fingers.

"Where would I be without you?" I ask as I watch him pick some lint off the dress.

"Walls, who knows," he says while not lifting his eyes to meet mine as he shakes his head. "And if you're looking for your cap and gown it's in the closet in the hallway."

Of course, it is.

"Thank you."

Levi doesn't give me a verbal answer but he blows air from his nose, still, letting me know that he had heard me.

Once he's finished nitpicking at my dress, I place a kiss on his forehead. I give myself a once-over in the mirror and quickly get my cap and gown from the hall closet. When I come back in the room Levi is still in the same spot. I can feel his eyes on me as my whole body becomes warm.

I leave my gown on its hanger and place it neatly on the bed before I reach my nightstand and grab a few bobby pins. Instead of sitting on the bed like I originally intended to, I sit in Levi's lap, straddling him instead to which he's not phased as I sit in his lap quite often. It's just another form of intimacy that we both really enjoy.

"Can you help me?" I ask.

I don't necessarily need his help but I can see that he wants to do more to help me get ready for today. He helped me take down my two-strand twist, with my makeup, and now my dress was confirmation of that.

It Took a Little Time (Levi Ackerman x Black OC)Where stories live. Discover now