chapter five

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I was surprised and in loss of words, but I can’t really take in that much, my mind is still on pause ever since Mrs. Hamsworf, or May I say, Linda, died.
I heard her cough in a very awkward way so I knew I had to say something but her voice stopped my thoughts.
“May I come in?” she said and I can see clearly the nervousness in her voice, or I rather say i heard it
“of course, come on in”
she walked very slowly, like she’s waiting for me to push her in, but I’m not really in the mood for any visitors so she better move her ass.
“So…” no angy stay formal.
“Would you like to drink anything” well that’s what I usually listen when we used to have visitors, I mean when Mrs. Hamsworf had.
“ no thanks, I just came to talk to you a bit, you know you missed a lot when you went to new york”
here we go, I know what she means by this, what the hell? A donkey would understand what she meant.
“Aha, have a seat” I was trying to fake a smile, I don’t want her to know anything, I’ve been through a lot lately, and this shit is not something I consider worrying anymore. Though I really miss her, she was a great deal for me.
“So, how are you doing?” she asked
“I’m doing fine, thank you. What do you want Katherine?”
“I came here to talk you alone about, you know, the wedding night”
I didn’t know what to say. Actually neither the wedding nor anything else mattered to me right now. It was like the only thing that was keeping me going disappeared, gone with her the worries, the laughs, the warmness, everything, and I don’t think worrying about a stupid wedding would bring that back.
“Hey, don’t think of this a lot, I didn’t came for a fight, I just came to clear things out.” She said raising her hands defensively
“clear out?” I asked the question that’s been running through my mind.
“Yes, I just need 2 minutes; no interruption and I’ll be done and gone.” Wow it’s like she knows.
“Sure go ahead” I faked a smile, waiting for her to say what she meant by ‘clear out’. Maybe I can do that too, I can tell her why I couldn’t make it. Maybe she would understand.
“Okay so first I’m not going to ask you why you didn’t come, because that doesn’t matter anymore.”
Holy cow
“wait, marc didn’t tell you?” oh my god… that’s not expected, truth is, these days nothing is expected.
“No interruptions.” God this girl should put her feet on the ground a bit.
“You missing the wedding caused a lot of damage, not only on Maria, but also on all of us.”
“what do you mean?” I asked curious
she gave a look and then continued
“let’s see where shall I begin, first, ehm, I’m sorry about your mo…I mean Mrs. Hamsworf” oh my god she’s killing me.
“Thank you”
“well, again, first. Let’s start with Maria, since it’s mostly about her, I don’t know if you ever wondered who replaced you at the wedding” yes I did but I’m not going to ask you of Crouse, oh why let me remember, hmmm oh yeah because nobody cared about talking to me.
“Well, it was Lewis’s sister, aquiline, I don’t think you forgot her right?” o-oh
“the one who used to bully Maria back at high school, oh my god but she hates her.” I said
Aquiline was such an asshole, everyone was shocked when Maria told us she was dating her brother Lewis, well she said he was different, and well, yes he was.
“and what happened” I asked
“after aquiline stood for her as a maid of honor, which was like a nightmare coming true, she was in such a bad mood, always going crazy, always mad, also, which is the saddest part, she and Lewis are breaking up because of this specific subject.”
Oh my god should I tell her to stop talking, I can’t take it anymore.
“And also…”
I interrupted her saying “Giz, there’s more?”
“oh yes, well, for joseph, you know he was having troubles finding a job? Well things weren’t good for him either”
joseph, holy cow, I totally forgot about my promise for work, what the hell have I done?
“Yeah well, he’s been depressed, drinking alcohol and stuff, and taking his mother’s money, which caused problems between them both, and now every one to two days, they have a fight and he goes like an alcohol freak”
I should tell her to shut up, I have to. But I’m too damn curious.
“And, for marc…” oh this is getting so interesting.
“He has been dating his cousin Teresa, not that he likes her but because since you left, this dude who loved you too much was really depressed so, he… not intently… S-slept with her. And so she has been barking about being pregnant though it’s been like 3 months and there were no bumps or anything, but marc was too scared because she was going to tell you, so that’s why he didn’t say a word the night you came back”
holy cow, I was latterly speechless, like this is the bomb. This sentence just froze me, it’s like I’m stuck, and the only thing I can do is replaying it in my mind, over and over.
Marc depressed, marc slept with Teresa, Teresa may or may be not pregnant, Teresa is threatening marc, marc is scared of losing me, marc obeys to Teresa. Oh.
“So that must give you an idea of the hell we were going through while you were relaxing in new york”
ohoho she just pulled a string.
“What are you trying to say? You think I was having fun in New York, you think I didn’t want to come? Well you listen very well, I had a fucking problem with my passport, I paid more than a thousand dollars a day trying to come back, I even nearly went to jail, I was more depressed then you were, you had, you. You were all together, you had help, you had an arm to lean on, well i was alone, nobody even answering me, do you know how that will feel? No I don’t think so, because everyone of you is thinking about himself, joseph, marc, Maria, and even you.”
I saw her brown eyes darkening and I knew she was mad too. Well she should be, I may have crossed a line but she deserves it.
“Goodbye Angelina, at least I did the right thing” should I stop her?
 I’ll let her go
I saw her walking towards the door, playing with her hair, and when she was out, she slammed the door without looking around.

What have I done? Why is everything falling down? Why is it always my fault? Why am I always not able to do anything? I always have no choice.
I went upstairs and set on the bed again, took out Linda’s letter, and started re-reading it over and over again. I don’t understand many parts, why would she spend her whole life trying to understand me?
Oh and there she said you changed so much when you left, but you didn’t change that much. How is that even possible? Maybe she means that I still do things I used to when I was a babe?
I wonder how I looked like when I was 8 years old, I would really love to see little 8 years old me. I only have a picture of myself with my mum but I was only 5 months old.
I went for a walk in the house, it never changed my room still here; my old clothes in the closet, papers were all over my old desk. She kept everything I own in its place. , and there is Mrs. Hamsworf’s room, I opened it a little, and then an idea pops into my head, why did she hide that letter in the guest room? How the hell does she know I will be sleeping in that room?
I threw that idea away, I don’t need it right now, I went into the room looking at the well-organized bed, and the brown old closet half opened. I went closer and started searching through her clothes, and when I was desperately stopping the research, I found a little box hidden inside the closet behind a mass of clothes, and I picked the box out and closed the door behind me.
I sat on the old brown desk in front of the bed and light up the lamp post beside me. I wonder how she was sleeping in this room with no windows.
I started opening the box and I stopped surprised of what was inside. There’s a key, and envelop, another envelop, a map, a bible, and a letter. Weirdest stuff you’d ever find in your mom’s closet.
I started opening the first envelop, there was a picture of two little girl, a brunette one with hazel light eyes, and blonde with pig tails holding an apple in a weird garden.
I put the photo back in the box. The other envelop contained money, a pretty good amount though, I won’t take that. I don’t need it.
And there’s the key. I don’t remember Mrs. Hamsworf having two cars. There was only one car in the garage.
Maybe it’s not a car key, I settled it in the box again when I heard a knock on the door. Hope it’s not Katherine again; I quickly put the box under the bed and went to open the door
“ hi dear, I was just wondering if you’re hungry so I got you a freshly baked cheese cake” a women that looks familiar is standing in front of me
“wow, thank you. Excuse my very mean question but do I know you?” I said awkwardly while taking the cake.
The woman laughs
“I used to be friends with Linda; I’ve been taking care of her since you left”
oh that explains a lot
“thank you again, misses?” I waited for her to say her name
“Pascal, call me Pascal” she smiled warmly
“thank you Pascal, come in” I offered her
“no thank you I have to go, if you need anything i live next street and this is my number, give me a call whenever you need” I took the piece of paper with her number written on it
“thank you Pascal, you’re very sweet Mam.”
“Goodbye” she waved before turning and walking away
“bye-bye” I shouted.
There’s something strange about this women.
Finally everything is clear.
I present to you the cast in the following picture.
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twitter: @cyntiahajj

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