chapter twelve

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"So you were 8 when it all happened, you had a terrible car accident and you lost your parents"

 he started explaining but not even looking at me.

"Yeah I know that." I stated.

"Well, this is only the tip of the iceberg. Let me start from the bottom" he said and then looked through the window like he was about to tell a Christmas bedtime story.

"This is all new to you so please just hear me out. When we were kids, you never really used to hang out with the crew you're with now..."

"I'm not anymore" I said bitterly

"I said hear me out" he released a breath as if he was annoyed.

"Alright. Sorry" I threw my hands in the air

he smiled a little and then continued "we used to hang out with Allison and a dude I don't really remember. Just the four of us..."

"Who's Allison?" I asked

"Aunt Linda's daughter" he said while looking directly into my eyes.

I pull a picture out of my pocket and shove it to him "is that her?"

"Yep" he popped the P. he stared and the pictures for seconds and then puts it back on the table

"this picture was taken on Allison's last birthday. Her 8th. Oh and you see her necklace?" he pointed to the necklace on her neck. "It's lost, we couldn't find it."

What's weird is that I had the same necklace on.

I suddenly had a vision of a dream I used to have but I cleared it out.

"So the day you guys had the accident was the day Allison died. You were on your way to her funeral and a drunken guy hit you with his car. You hit your head massively and you lost your memory. But they called it a miracle because you were in a really dangerous position and you came out alive and healthy."

Words were hitting me hard. You know when you tell a little kid that Santa doesn't exist and that he was living in a lie so he starts crying. Well multiply that by 100 and you'll see what I mean.

"I know this is all too heavy on you right now but I guess..." he takes a deep breath "I guess it's the right time and you deserve to know."

I wanted to say something but suddenly I forgot everything, I even forgot my words.

"Hey you're fine?" he asked.

 I shook my head and then tears started falling down my face. I swiped them off and finally managed to say

"what else?"

If he wants to tell me the truth. He better say it all.

"Well, that's pretty much everything. Linda didn't explain that to you because she knew that for the life you were strongly able to build after all those tragedies, these few words could've broken it all up. So she told me not to tell you. I became uncomfortable seeing you with the new guy and not even remembering me so I stopped hanging out with you."

5 seconds

30 seconds

minutes passed

and still I didn't say a word

"so I guess I better get moving" he said after finishing his coffee.

still I didn't answer

he pushed himself of the chair and the moment he was turning around I held on to his hand

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