chapter thirteen

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I woke up the next day feeling something tingling in my chest. I couldn't stop thinking about marc. We never spoke after the night he got drunk and threw the bomb which is really depressing. I mean I missed him, I missed him so much. But did HE miss me?
I checked my emails via cellphone. The usuals:
bills emails
work emails
more bills.
There was an exciting email from vogue thanking me for my article about victoria's secret's fashion show. Well it's a good vibe to start the day with.
I entered my bathroom and decided to take a shower. I took off all my clothes and the moment I stepped in the bathtub, the doorbell rang.
I decided to ignore it and continue my bath. It rang twice more and then stopped. It's really a medicine. When you stand under the hot water and all your body gets wet and clean. It's the most relaxing thing ever.
I was putting my clothe on when the doorbell rang again. God this is so annoying.
I covered my body with a towel and rushed to see who's there.
"Who is it?" I stood in front of the door waiting for a response from the other side but no one actually answered.
After a while, someone knocks. I asked again but louder and angrier
"Who is it?"
"Can you just open the damn door"
I knew who it was.
I opened the door just a little bit to see an angry marc staring at me.
"Why the hell weren't you answering your freakin phone?" he asked annoyed
"uhhh, I..." I was still trying to register what's going on "I was taking a shower" I stated.
Marc pushed the door and then started looking at me. I then realized I was naked with only a towel covering my body.
"I can see that" he smirked
"what?" I asked embarrassed
"that you were showering..." he said
I was so embarrassed.
"Excuse me for a minute" I said while going to the room
marc pulled my hand backwards and I hit his chest so hard. He pulled so close to him and hugged me.
"God" he murmured
I stood rooted to my spot. A part of me wants to jump on him and hug him till he can't breathe and another part of me is thinking 'well, you're naked in a room alone with a boy who broke you're heart 2 days ago'
i decided to go for the right choice. I tried to break free from his arms but I couldn't. Since choice 1 is unavailable, I took choice 2 and hugged him back.
I felt my body trembling in his arms and soon I couldn't stand on my own feet.
He felt my weakness so instead of pushing back he hugged me even tighter and smelled my hair. How on earth have I imagined my life without this boy?
"I missed you so much" he said burying his face in the crock of my neck breathing in and out.
I was speechless. Then all of a sudden he pulls away and turns around.
"Put something on before I loose control on you" he said his face facing the other way.
Something inside of me just exploded. I couldn't move my feet. Just seeing him here, that close, but not looking, it hurts.
He turned around again and realized I haven't moved an inch yet and my body is freezing. He took a very deep breathe and shaking his head.
"Please just go" he said. His Stormy dark blue eyes staring so much my body ached
I turned around and went into my room searching for something to wear. I searched for something nice that fitted me, after all its marc for God's sake.
I finally settled down for a pink cute mini dress with a bow on my hair. I took one last look in the mirror. Old trends still look good on me.
Yes that will do. I searched for him in the living room but he wasn't there. The smell of coffee told me he wasn't too far. I entered the kitchen and saw a very sexy muscled marc moving around like a crazy kitchen lady.

"What are you doing" I asked concerned
"making breakfast" he said not even looking at me
"and if I already had breakfast" I teased him
"I don't care. You'll have a double breakfast." Still not looking at me. God.
"I'm not hungry" he turned around and stared at me. Mission accomplished.
"You would eat your whole refrigerator even after having a mega huge meal from MacDonald's and now you can't have a small breakfast with me" he looked so cute playing little smart ass.
"Fine if you insist" I threw my hands in the air like I was annoyed. Though I was so hungry I could eat a cow.
"You look nice by the way" he said while pouring the coffee in the mugs.
Now I want to eat him for breakfast.
I sat on my table waiting for him to finish the meal. He was a very nice show to watch.
He gave me my cup of coffee and put on the table two plates and two forks.
Marc is a great cook. Well he's Emily Waters' son. What would we expect from him?
Hmmm the smell of his omelet is so great. When he finished I clapped my hands in excitement and waited and danced a little.
"There you go Ms. I'm not hungry" he said with a sarcastic tone. I love how we can be okay when we're not. Even though we hurt each other I can still hug him and laugh with him anytime I want.
I hummed in pleasure with my mouth full.
Marc looked at me and laughed so warmly it tickled me. Then he changed to his serious mode. Oh god not now.
"We need to talk about a lot of things" he said looking at his coffee.
I swallowed and took a sip form my coffee.
"There's too much to talk about. God" he murmured
"what's wrong?" I asked
"let me..." he took a deep breath "let me start by saying I'm so sorry about what happened that night. I swear I didn't mean a thing. I, I..."
"Why did you say that?" I interrupted
"Why did you say you never loved me?" I asked
"I was, I was scared"
"scared? Scared of what?"
He took a sip from his coffee
"I was depressed. Becoming a father and sticking out for to a girl I hate is not actually my thing" he said
"but you did. And this is the real meaning of maturity, you know. You were taking responsibility for what you think you did wrong." I said
"yeah I guess?" he was a bit sad.
"Is that why you were scared?" I asked
"well no, not exactly"
I waited for him to explain.
"I thought I ruined your life, I don't know why I just...I thought that if I told you I never loved you, you would lose all your hopes of us. Maybe that way Teresa wouldn't matter to you anymore"
I let out a nervous smile
"What?" He asked
"that shit doesn't even make sense" I said
"well yeah but it made sense when I was drunk" he cracked a smile too.
"I missed you" I stated.
he looked at me right in the eyes
"really?" he asked
that was really odd. He's doubting my feelings?
"Of course" I said surprised.
"What about that dude you were hanging out with?" a disappointment look shows on his face.
He looks hurt. I felt something inside of me crack
"he was apparently an old friend. Nothing more" I tried explaining
"an old friend spends the night at your house? And how come I never met him, we've been friends for more than 6 years" he asked.
I felt his temper rising so I knew I had to do something to stop his mind for wondering
"he means nothing. I...I don't really know how to explain this"
I looked at my hands. I felt a chair moving and then marc sits beside me and holds my hands
"what's up?" he asked in a very soft voice.
"He was a childhood friend but the only problem is that I can't remember him" I let out a panic smile
"what?" he asked confused
"after the accident I lost my memory. I can't remember anything before it"
"what? How come I don't know about this?" he asked
"well I found out pretty new"
he looked at me straight in the eyes. But this time it wasn't clear. I couldn't know if he's mad or sad or confused.
"You were just friend?" he asked

I panicked a lot. I felt my hands sweating
"well I was just a friend" I said in a low voice.
marc moves away a bit and takes a big breathe in and out
"marc he means nothing I swear" I tried to calm him down
"so why did he spend the night here" he asked angry
"I need to know the truth and he's the only one who has it"
"well we don't need a truth that's useless"
"the truth is never useless marc. It's always better than living a lie"
he looks away.
"Were you following me?" I asked smiling at the thought
"I wanted to talk to you the other night but seeing that guy at your house killed that option. So instead I decided spying on you just in case" he smiled. "Yeah that was stupid" he added with a laugh and a sip of coffee
I joined him and laughed and took a sip of my own coffee.
"Are you going to go back to New York?"he asked
"I found a job at vogue so..."
"Wow that's your dream job. Good for you" he said trying to smile
"we're gonna see each other"
"ow that sentence reminds me of a girl I know who said the very same before she traveled to new york for 4 years without even texting or calling me" he teased but smiled tok which reassured me that we were okay about that.
I laughed so hard. That was true
"now is different" I said
"well I hope so, I really hope so angel"

UPDATE finally!! Woa-hoa !!
hope you guys like it. So who do you think will win in the end? MARC&ANGELINA or JOEY&ANGELINA? And which couple do you guys prefer? Feel free to vote. Love you guys
Cynthia X 

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 21, 2015 ⏰

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