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(The picture above is you ^ )

Kuroko POV:

Everything was normal well nearly everything. School started tomorrow but coach wanted to have a team meet up at the park. I got dressed and made my way to the park. I didn't see anyone there yet so I went to Maji burger that was a couple of doors down. I got a milkshake and made my way back I saw Kagami there along with the other second years. I approached them, not being seen by them as usual. I heard my name said by Kagami.

"I wonder when the rest will show up, like Kuroko"

"I'm right here"

He jumps back and looks at me surprised.

"When did you get here!?"

"I was here first, no one was here so I went to get a milkshake, I came back and you guys were here"

"Oh, well when are the third years gonna come?" Furihata asks

"Soon, the did say 3:00 and its 2:50." I answer

"Well what do we do now?" Kagami questions

"I don't know, talk?" Fukada suggested

They start talking about basketball and stuff, I didn't join in, just waited a bit. Mitobe and Koganei arrived 5 minutes before the rest decided to show. Now we just waited on the coach. She showed up a couple minutes later with an envelope and a few small rectangular pieces of cardboard paper. Once she approached us she got us to gather around. The envelope was already opened, assuming she had already read it.

"Alright the reason I gathered all you guys is because I have gotten a letter from someone. About our basketball team. They're from America and have invited us to play in the world cup to represent Japan!"

"Wait what!?"

"Yep, this is what it says" she takes out the letter and gives it to Hyuga. He reads it allowed.

"Dear Seirin Basketball Team,

I am a proserver. I go to different places and see if people are qualified for specific championships in different countries. I had received an email from the founders of the World cup for Basketball to come look at your game. I have seen game against Rakuzan and I was indeed impressed. I invite you to the world cup held in America. But I do have my doubts. So I have personally taken the responsibility on whipping you guys into shape. If I successfully do this you guys will be the first Japanese people or high schoolers to win the world cup. If you accept these conditions please send me an email on @***************. If not the send me a letter. I have given up tickets for America, you can use them or not.


·Y/n Izuki·"

Wait did I hear that right? Y/n? The
Y/n!? Izuki and Hyuga looked at each other wide eyes.

"Hey she's got the same last name as you, what a coincidence Izuki" Koganei pointed out

Everyone seemed surprised. Once everyone gave out their opinions  They made there way to Reiko's house. She got out her laptop in her dinning room with her dad nearby also happy about what was going on.  She sent an email saying that we all accepted.

"Hello y/n, I'm Coach Reiko Ida of Seirin Basketball Team. All of us have agreed on this and have decided to accept your invitation. We would love for you to personally train us and make us the best we can be.

Team Seirin"

She sent the email and we just lounged around at her house since it was hot outside. And her dad let us stay, before embarrassing her once again. I still can't believe we would be seeing her. My best friend. Suddenly while we were talking we heard a noise. It came from coaches laptop. She sat down one the chair and we gathered around her. She hesitantly opened emails and found an email that matched up on the one from the letter. She read it aloud to all of us.

"Hello Reiko and Seirin,

I know who everyone is and everything about, I have gotten information off a friend who you all know. And I was kind of hoping you would accept, I'm currently on a plane on my way to Japan. My mother and brother and sister live there. So don't worry about a place for me. And Kuroko... You know what to do... Anyways, I hope to see you soon. And I will be attending your school. Tomorrow I start observation for a week, then I do my own stuff. Best of luck.


·Y/n Izuki·

We were all surprised. Seiko emailed back saying safe travels and all that stuff. We heard nothing after that. Assuming she read the message. We all hung out for the day and went to our own ways to our houses. When I got home I immediately called Y/n.

She picked up.

"Hello Koko-Chan~ I see you have read the email and letter"

"Yes, are you really?"


"I- I don't know what to say, I'm physically shaking.."

"Oh, have you told the others??"

"No, not yet, it's late, I'll tell them tomorrow.."


"By the way, do you know why Izuki and Hyuga looked at each other when they read your name the first time?"

"..I'll explain when it's time. Don't forget"

"I won't, goodnight"

"Nighty night"

She hung up I put my phone in charge and close my eyes. I can't wait for tomorrow now. Y/n Izuki, seventh member of the generation of miracles. The ThunderBolt. Vice Captain of the generation miracles and their Jockey. Lightning...

'I mean, You can't have Lightening without the thunder..'

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