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(Her name is Hana and it means Favourite or flowers)

Y/n POV:

After an extremely long train ride to his house that was only a hour. I knock on the door and an old lady answers.

"Hello young woman, may I help you?"

"Uh, I think I got the wrong address, have you perhaps seen a tall boy with purple hair around here?"

"Oh yes, he doesn't live here anymore he actually moved"

"Oh, do you know where I can find him?"

"Yes dear, keep going down the road it loops around and go to the very last street on the left, the go down the first Street on you right, and second Street on your left, then about 5 doors down from a house completely white, do you think you can remember that?"

"Yes ma'am, thank you"

She smiles and closes the door gently. I walk off in the directions she told me. And I ended up in front of a modern day house that was quite big, but you wouldn't call it a mansion.

I take a deep breath and walk up to the door. I ring the doorbell. I waited a bit before a boy with hair swooped over to the side and a beauty mark near his eye opened the door

"Might I ask who you are?"

I recognised his voice

"So your the person I talked to over the phone"

"Your Y/n?"

"The one and only"

"Pleasure, I'm Himuro Tatsuya"

"So this isn't the right house?"

"I live with Atsushi"


"No, friends"

"My bad, I actually want to live with all my friends too"

"Cool, Atsushi should be here in a moment. He's being hygienic"

"Him? Hygienic? Pfft-- no way! You have to teach me your ways."

"Sure, why not."

We waited around a bit talking until he heard a groan. We looked over and see Murasakibara has hit his head against the doorway. I smirk and walk next to him. He walks through the doorway ducking his head this time. And I walked behind him. Once he stops at Himuro I start to walk back. And then I start running. I jump up onto his back making him tumble backwards a bit. I climbed up and sat on his shoulders. I was suprisingly really really light. He holds my legs flipping me off his shoulders so I was dangling down. He moved toward the couch. I put my hands down and he let go. I started doing back walk overs tiki got to the other arm of the couch. I landed on my hands so I started walking on the on the back of the couch then I flipped backwards and sat down on the couch. I look towards them and Murasakibara was walking over toward me while Himuro was stunned.

"Hello again N/n-chin, how are you?"

"I'm good Ra ra-chan"

"Ra ra-chan?"

"Yeah, my own personal nickname for him"

"Awe sweet, so you two a thing?"

"No, friends, why would I ask if your his boyfriend if I was"

"Oh right"

I sit there and explain to him. About what was going on. They both agreed. I was about to leave, and it was dark out. But I opened the door and it was pouring down rain. I shut it and turned around. Himuro giggled and walked off. I face Murasakibara. He nods his head and walks off. I follow him. We enter what I assume is his room. He throughs me a jumper and I caught it. He leaves and I get fully undressed except my underwear. I put the jumper on and gather my clothes putting them on his dresser. I walk out a smell something from the kitchen. I follow the smell and eventually find my way to the kitchen. I watch them cook. And I watch Himuro teaching Ra Ra-chin how to cook. I smile and watch them, they eventually finish and hand me a bowl.

I smell it and see the two had started eating. I eat as well Atsushi finishes first. Himuro finishes and then I do, he takes our bowls out. I look at Atsushi and see he's on the couch watching TV. I smile evily. I walk over to Himuro but he walks by me and sits down next to Murasakibara. I smile again and walk off to some room. I grab pillows 3. I plop a pillow down. And keep the two. I stand behind them and call out to them.

"Oh boys~"

They turn their heads and look at me. I slam the pillows at the back of their heads. Making their foreheads slam together. They run it and snatched the pillows from me. I duck down as they missed and hit each other. I stand back up with a pillow. And thus began the pillow fight war.

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