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(Girl above is Amatersu and it means Sun godess)

Y/ n POV:

I sat down on the bench and everyone gathered around.  I started explaining everything.


It was a normal day, my first year of middle school. My brother was at a different one which I thought was sad. But I'm at Teiko middle school. And it's time to make some new friends!

I started making my way to the front gates. It's was really crowded and I kept getting shoved. I finally made my way to a clearing before getting pushed to the ground. I look up and see a Blue haired boy holding a hand out. He was smiling too.

"Hey, are you okay?"

"Uh, yeah, I'm fine"

"Your sure? You took quite a beating there"

"Yeah no worries"

"Okay, I'm Daiki Aomine"

"I'm Y/ n Izuki"

"The Y/ n?"

"What do you mean?"

"Your the girl who had a rare disease and the doctors and scientist tried to cure you, but you had side affects from it, right?"

"Oh, how did you?"

"Know? The whole world knows, your Famous"

"I didn't know, thanks??"

"Eh, anyways, are you looking for a club?"

"Yeah actually, how about you?"

"Yep, basketball."

"Really, I'm looking to be the manager for the team"

"Awe sweet, I get a hot manager!"

I start blushing

"Oh sorry, I didn't mean to"

"It's fine, you do you, I'm not a judgemental person."

"Sweet, now let's go find the club table"

I nod and we walk off. He talks to me about how he would challenge adults and win when he was younger. I was clearly amazed. We finally made it to the basketball club table and there was a bit of a line for for players. Me and Momoi who had been quite signed up for managing then waited for Aomine. After he was done we left to go inside the building. We got our schedules and went to our classes.

Weeks past and I was good friends with him on. Me and Momoi hung out, but often. And I had started to like basketball. The coach would make me throw basketballs at the people in the third stings and help them out. That actually made me into basketball. A girl called Fumiko

(Another girl featured in future chapters)

Liked basketball too, and was good at it. We would secretly play basketball with Momoi covering for me. I would always beat her because of my talent. As earlier you heard what Aomine said. It's true and the side affect was that I can disappear from anyone's sight with how fast I can run, it's the fact that my body is able to keep up with what is natural to me unlike the generation of miracles. Only Fumiko knew about it. Well that was, until one day.

Me and Fumiko were hard at practice. But I kept getting the feeling I was being watched. Little did I know it was the generation of miracles captain, Seijiro Akashi. He saw what I can do. And he was very impressed. Later that day he walked up to me. And started a conversation with me.

"Hello, My name is Seijiro Akashi the vice captain of this schools basketball team."

"I know, I- I'm Y/n Izuki"

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