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(The girl above is Haya and it means Quick and light)

Riko POV:

The game was over and the whole time Y/ n was taking notes about everyone. She seemed intrested in Koganei, and Kagami the most. Kagami I can get by, but Koganei??

She got everyone gathered together looking at them all.

"Kagami go do 5 laps"

"And Koganei 7"

"What! I rather pay ¥10 000"

"What.. 10?"

"7 laps, let's go!"

He ran off, everyone else got a break and she started talking to Kiyoshi

Y/ n POV:

I sat down next to Kiyoshi.

"I know why your not training"


"Your knees I get it.."


"I have the same problem, my knee got ruined by another team I played with in America. They won last year, and left me injured. But rather risk death then let my team mates get hurt, am I right?"

We smile at each other.

"Anyways, I think some leg exercises would do the trick. It will help you with your performance and duration.
TheAnd we can do them together"

"Ah, that's sounds great"

I wrote them down explaining what to do with each one. And gave him the list. He put it in his sport bag. I walk up to Kuroko and sit next to him. I swing my legs around to grab his bag. Once I do I take out his phone and message Kise.

Hello Kise,

She's back... She's back Kise.. Meet up at the park at 4pm on Saturday


I sent it a gave the phone to Koko-Chan. He read it and nodded sending the same message to everyone, just the name being changed. Once he was done he put the phone down and focused on the world around him. He is weird like that, but that's what makes him special. I look at everyone and I was satisfied. Kagami came back and I saw Koganei still going. I smile and give Kagami his drink bottle. I sit down and start making an exercise routine for each member, making Koganei's extra hard.

Suddenly the bell went. I walk out and left everyone in a rush to clean up. They need to be faster. And wrap up their games quickly. First team to 50, right? I make my way to my class. Sadly no one from the basketball team was in my class. So I didn't have anyone to talk to. But something weird happened. Our teacher gave us homework and school work. It wasn't much and nearly the entire class finished. I was sitting at me desk looking out the window, when I got the creeps, someone was watching me. I look over a bit and see a girl standing at my desk. I look up at her and she smiled.

"Can I help You..?"

"No. Well yes actually. Wait no. Wait yes. You The Y/ n Izuki?"

"My name is Y/ n Izuki, what's it to you?"

"Omg guys Y/ n Izuki attendant school!!"

She announced to the class. I sank in my chair as everyone surrounded me.

They asked me questions about my personal life that they shouldn't even be saying."

"What's you sexuality!?"

"Are you single?"

"Do you have a sex life"

"How did you find out your interest in people"

"Can I be your girlfriend !?"

"No, I want to be her boyfriend!!"

And it turned into an all out war. Everyone was to distracted by telling that they forgot I was there. So I snuck out of class. When I got out I felt my phone Buzz. I take it out and look at it. A message from Shun? The door flung open and the class was there. I started running from them. And they chased me. I ran around the school, trying to get away from them. I got away from them for a couple of seconds. That gave me an opportunity. I called Shun. But I was found. I held the phone up to my ear and waited til he answered. His teacher was chill and didn't care what they did until they finished their work. When he answered he questioned why I called.

"Why are you calling me"

"Help me!!"

"What why? What happened!?"

"Ugh, let's say someone recognised me and told entire class. Now they're chasing me want to date and marry me asking questions about my sex life, please help!!"

"Slow down!"

"Just watch the door of your classroom"

I hang up and start running to the school building I run past his classroom with a face that showed him 'help me'. Him, Hyuga and Riko got up and went to the door. They ran after me. I ran past the second year classrooms. Kagami, Kuroko and the rest of the first years left class to help me. Basically the whole basketball team were trying to help me. They ran to the court telling me to come in. I think of basketball and zoom in side shitting the door. They lock it and Mitobe turned the lights on.

Once everyone caught their breath, they started laughing hysterically. I joined in. Suddenly the bell went telling us that we had out next class. The people outside didn't leave so we needed to be preoccupied by ourselves. Coach thought that this was an opportunity to take so she set up practice. And made them practice, the whole, day..

The 7th Member ~ Akashi x Oc (you)Where stories live. Discover now