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(That's Emiko, her twin is Emiyo and her name means smiling child)

Y/ n POV:

Weeks past, and everyone was getting stronger. I thought it was time to bring in a couple of people. After practice I call Aomine. He picks up not long later sounding a bit puffed.

"Hey N/n, whats up!"

"Hey Aomine, do you think we could meet up with two other people"

"Depends on who it is."

"You'll see~"

"In that case. I will do anything for your big breast mama!!"

"Uh huh, tomorrow, don't.be.late."

I hung up the phone and started calling Akashi. He picked up straight away.

"Hello N/ n, how are you?"

"I'm good, and you?"

"Just fine"

"Cool, anyways can you do me a solid?"

"Of course, what is it?"

"So I need you to meet up with me tomorrow"


"Maji burger"

"Alright, and when should I meet you?"

"Is it okay if you skip your first class of school?"

"Yes, I don't do most of my classes since I have surpassed all of them"

"Great to know oh, Aomine and Taiga will be there, bye!"


I hung up and texted Aomine where and when to meet up. He responded with a smiling face emoji. Taiga and Kuroko walked past me. I stopped them pushing Kuroko out the way. And keeping Kagami next to me.

"Okay so since your a really good player I kind of need your help"

"Sure, what is it?"

"Well, you know how you kind of have animal instincts"

"Yeah and Aomine"

"Yeah, well Koganei has them too. But his level..."

I look behind me and see Koganei miss a simple shot.

" is a kitten.."

"So you want me to help him?"

"You and a couple of other people. Meet me tomorrow at Maji burger first period of school, and don't worry about the school part, leave that to me"

"Okay, wait who else will be there?"

"Just a few other people"

I left him and left the school. I quickly caught a train and made my way to Shutoku. When I arrived the practice was still going on. I smirked and walked inside the school. I skipped toward the gym. Boys around the entrance either stared and blushed or looked away. My skirt was short so it went flying. It seemed I entered the wrong gym because I couldn't spot any Greene's hair male with glasses shooting. I walked up to someone on the side lines. I skip toward them grabbing their attention.



"Do you know where I could find one Shintaro Midorima?"

"If your a fangirl, leave."

"No, just an old friend. So where is he?"

"..your that female player in America, aren't you?"

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