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(Her name is Akina and it means Spring flower)

Y/n POV:

Once the pillow fight had finally settled down Atsushi crashed out on the floor. And Himuro on the couch. I lay down next to Murasakibara and soon fall asleep before taking my glasses off and putting them of the coffee table.

(Yes you have glasses, the picture just doesn't show it. And you use contact lenses during games)

And fell asleep next to him.

Next thing I know I wake up to someone shaking me. I turn over and see Murasakibara shaking me awake. I sit up looking at something dark and blurry. I reach over to the coffee table, feeling around for them

"You looking for these?"

I turn to the voice and suddenly glasses slip onto my face and I see Himuro who seemed to put it on. I smile and get up. Himuro held out clothes that's seemed to be my sized.

"Your brother found out about this and dropped off your uniform"

I smile and take the clothes off him. I walk into Murasakibara's room I get dressed and put my clothes in a plastic bag. I attach it to my bag and make my way to the train station. I catch the train and quickly made my way to Maji burger. None of them where there yet so I sat down at the table. One of the waiters came over asking if I wanted anything.

"Would you like anything?"

"Hm, a strawberry thickshake"

(If you don't like those get out, kidding just change it)

Not long later Kagami enters. And I got my Strawberry thickshake. (Or whatever you want) and she looks at Kagami. He just got a water. And right after Aomine came in. I stood up and hugged him I went to kiss him on his cheek but he turned his head and I nearly kissed him on his lips. I pushed him away and he sat next to Kagami. He was a little surprised but not so much. About a minute later Akashi enters. Kagami was certainly surprised. He sits next to me. The waitress ask Aomine and Akashi for their food they didn't want any. I took out my book from my bag and showed them.

"Still doing that, eh?"

"Yes I am, you should know me by now Aomine"

He smiles and chuckles. I shake my head. I mainly showed Kagami about everything. Especially koganei, I was going to make him run twice whatever I give Kagami. So say 5 laps, well you get it. We were interrupted by a French woman visiting Japan. No one knew what she said. Well everyone but me.

"Pensez-vous que l'un d'entre vous pourrait m'aider ? Je suis un touriste et je suis perdu, où est le parc japonais central ?"

"( Do you think any of you could help me? I'm a tourist and I'm lost, where is the central Japanese park? )"

"Bien sur. votre chez Maji Burger si vous ne le saviez pas. Sur votre gauche dans la troisième rue puis tournez à droite dans la cinquième rue, continuez là-bas et vous y arriverez sur votre droite."

"( Of course. your at Maji Burger if you didn't know. On your left on the third street then turn right on the fifth street, continue there and you will come to it on your right. )"

" Merci beaucoup jeune femme"

"( Thank you very much young woman)"

" pas de soucis "

"( No worries )"

She left and I turn back to the group. Everyone was surprised. I smile chuckling to myself again. I clear my throat and go back to what I was saying before. Kagami left and while the other two were about to leave. I told about the others coming next week. The thought it was a good idea. Then they made their way to school. I caught up with Kagami and we walked to school. I asked about him and he did. He told quite a bit about him. He finished right before entering school.

"Why did you want to know?"

"Can't I know my students, plus you'd make a good couple"

"With who?"

"A friend of mine, female don't worry, she's very much like you"


"You'll find out, now we better get to class, see you at practice!"

The day went on and afternoon practice came. I was watching everyone an taking notes as usual. Then my phone rang. I had to excuse myself from the team. I walked outside and answered it.


"Hey gurly!!"

"Oh, uh sorry who's this?"

"You seriously don't remember me!?"

"Your voice sounds familiar though"

"It's me! Asami!!"

"Oh! Asami! How have you been?"

"Good, now you remember me"

"Sorry, anyway, now's not the best time, I'm training that team I told you about"

"Oh, well sorry, but Misumi, Amaterasu and Haya are going to start doing, you know"

"... Are they with you..?"

"Not right now, Akina is, she is showing then how to hide it"

"Not on my watch. Tell everyone to meet me at THE place, and DON'T be late."

I hung up and I heard a voice behind me. I turn around and sigh. I see Kagami, Kuroko, Riko, and Izuki.

"You okay?"

"Yeah sorry, just some issues"

"Minor or major"

"In between, I've handled it before, but it's gonna have to happen as soon as possible"

"So we will leave tomorrow, for America, and continue training there"

I nod at Izuki who finished my sentence. He sighed and we all walked inside. He told the captain. And he announced it to the team. They happily agreed and would tell their parents. I then had to excuse myself again with Kuroko. I got him to help me call a few people. The generation of miracles. They had to bring one person with them.

And the rest of day was fine. Mum was okay with me and Shun leaving tomorrow. Mai not so much.

"Why do you have to go?"

"Well, I have to coach a team, and then I have to play my own game. When the time comes, mum will let you stay up late and watch both our games, okay?"

"Okay.. I'll miss you!!"

"I will too, but when we finish it we will come home, okay?"


We leave. When we arrived outside everone. And I mean Serin, the Miracles and others there waiting there. I look at Shun and he looked at me. We smirked at each other, then looked back at everyone. We walked toward them.


"Yes sir... Of course sir... She's on her way now... Goodbye"


"She's coming, and sir is happy. He's proud of you"

"Of course he is"

"We have to keep her here..."


"Who knows how she'll be treated if she's over there"

"Yeah, commence plan?"

"Not yet, we need to wait..."

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