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(This is Emiyo, her twin is Emiko and her name means blessed beautiful generation)

Y/n POV:

"Uh, yes, is something the matter?"

"Do you perhaps have a sister?"

"Yes but she lives in America, why, do you know her?"

"I- nevermind!"

"Anyways, what brings you here, babe"

"Oh right, um I don't know honestly- no I remember! I came here to see your team"


"Hi there, your name is?"

"Y-you didn't freak out?"

"Kuroko's my friend, I'm used to it"

"Oh, my name is Myizumi"

"Hello Myizumi, I gonna have fun with you all"

They all start blushing hard core. Not so much Akashi, but the rest of them did. I explained what I ment by that and they apologized for taking it the wrong way. I then started showing my notes on each of them. And I added Myizumi. I explained what was going to happen, when, where and how. They all agreed. We would meet on the weekend. I then left to go to Kaijo. When I arrived it seemed they were warming up, and getting ready to leave. I didn't see any blonde hair boy so I walked up to another male with blackish spikey hair. I walk up to him and look around before asking him something.

"Is a boy with blonde hair and yellowish eyes about this height, clearly gay, but we haven't had the talk. Around here?"

"Kise! Another one of your fangirls are to see you!"

I turn around as I hear my name being squealed. It was Kise. He dropped the cleaning supplies he was holding and ran over to me. He jumped and hugged me. I walk over to the bench and plop me down there. He faces me smiling

"So what brings you to Kaijo, I thought you went to America?"

"I did, and now I'm back. And training Serin for the World cup"

"Woah, your kidding! There's the male one and the female one, I've watched your team on national TV before. I don't know their names though. And you guys are amazing!! Especially that girl with the short orange hair. How she did a volleyball move in basketball to save the judges, was amazing!!"



"The girl your talking about is Amaterasu, she's the vice captain of the team"

"Her name means sun goddess!! Even better!!"

"Maybe when they go to America for to competion, to our guys can come as well, but that's not why I'm here. I need your help, as you know I'm here to train Serin and I was think if you guys help them, they'll be strong enough for it."

"I assume I will be help Kiyoshicchi or Kagamicchi"

"Kiyoshi yes, Kagami no. Kagami already has a lot of potential, and I don't think I can do much more. My goal is to catch his team up to him, and make Koganei's animal instincts surface."

"What about, I heard your team is going to compete in the female world cup for basketball"

The boy from before spoke up sitting down on the floor.

"Yes, while they're compete against teams I know they can win against, I will be training with mine. Btw how do you know about me?"

"My sister likes to play basketball, but she sucks at it"

"Oh, and what's your name?"

"Kasamatsu, call me Kasamatsu."

"Okay Kasamatsu"

I explain to everyone about what we are doing. And they agree to it help me and the team. I then left and dialled Murasakibara. A boy with a calming voice picked up the phone.

"Is this Murasakibara?"

"No, who's this?"

"Oh, I'm sure I dialled the right number. So sorry"

I hang up and made sure I filled the right number. The same calming voice picks up again.

"Hello again, before you go, this is Atsushi's phone, he's currently busy"

"Oh, could you leave a message?"


"Could you tell him the Y/n Izuki called him and that I will come visit him in an hour, yeah? Thanks!"


I hung up and called my mun letting her know where I'll be. I then make my way to Murasakibara's house.

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