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(Girl Above is Chiyo and it means a thousand generations)

Y/ n POV:

"And that's about it"

I say wrapping it up. They seemed surprised not Koko-Chan though. And Shun didn't seem as surprised as everyone else, but still shocked. I take a look at everyone and analyzed them. It's similar to what Riko can do but not the same. She analyzes and takes that making the data afterwards. I collect the data during me analyzing them. For example. She can analyze the strength then estimate what they can do. I analyze them, immediately seeing what they can do. It some trick I learnt from Kuroko and living with my basketball team. Like Riko, I couldn't see much because if there clothes. So I waited for them to wake up to reality. Once they did they had a heap load of questions.

"You went to Teiko?"

"Your friends with the generation of miracles?"

"You played?"

"Did you really become the best one in America?"

"Can you teach us your ways!?"

"Calm down, and I shall answer all your questions in one... Yes."

I smirk and clasp my hands together looking at Testuya.

"Now, Koko-Chan, show them."

He starts taking his top off. And stands still. I look at him and he has improved. I click my fingers and he goes into a hand stand and starts walking on his hands around the whole group. Once he finishes he does five push ups, legs and feet still in the air. Everyone didn't realise how strong Koko-Chan is. I click my fingers and Koko-Chan jumps back up on his feet. They all lined up and took their shirts off. I started at Hyuga and slowly made my way down the line takes notes in my book. I got to the end and looked at Hyuga clicking my fingers. He nods and does a hand stand. I click then again and he tried to move. He took 3 steps before falling over. I helped him up and, I mean for someone who has never done that before, I was impressed.

I looked at Izuki who was next. He did the same but he managed to get 6 before over balancing and falling on his stomach. Everyone else except Kuroko since he already did it either did a few more and but less. But Kagami he ran around everyone. I looked at his arms and spoke up.

"Kagami go do a lap of the court."

He nods and does one. Them he comes back his face is red as. I click my fingers and he gets up. Just I suspected. The blood rushing to his head doesn't affect his performance or anything really. This just opens up more tactics in Basketball. I smile and look at everyone. From doing that they have improved the arm strengths once again. This was going to be fun I walk up the coach and sit down next to her.

"Where'd you get all that data?"

"I have a similar effect you do. You can see their strengths and then estimate what they can do yes?"


"I can look at them and see the data instantly instead of estimating it a bit like Momoi's."

"Oh, and that's what you got from them?"

"Yes, but I need to see them in game."

"I gotchu girl"

She stood up and started ordering them around. They warmed up, got into team's, and started their play. I watched intensely at everyone writing down things.

Kagami 2nd year

Kuroko 2nd year

Furihata 2nd year
Point guard

Kawahara 2nd year
Small forward

Tsuchida 3rd year
Power forward

Koganei 3rd year
Small forward

Shun 3rd year
Point guard

Fukada 2nd year

Kiyoshi 3rd year

Mitobe 3rd year

Hyuga 3rd year
Shoot guard

Riko questioned why I had some under question marks.

"Well, we don't really know Kuroko's place. And I need to ask Kiyoshi a few questions first too. And I don't see what position Fukada plays just yet, he has strength, don't get me wrong, but I don't see much talent, and.."

"And what?"

"I want to turn Koganei into a Cheetah."


"Cheetah. I can see he has animal instincts, That he has yet to awaken. Right now his level... Is a kitten. I want to slowly progress his instincts and awake his inner self till he is fully aware of his surroundings, like a Cheetah"

"Oh, like Aomine."

"Yep, like Aomine, Akashi, and Kagami"

"And Kotaro, another person I know"

"Well then, I might have to talk to them, for advice. Anyway I also know about Kiyoshi's knee. Don't worry I have some special training in mind for him. And Kagami. He was able to go up against the generation of miracles, correct?"


"After the game is over I wanna try a one on one with him."

"What why?"

"Just a theory, don't worry."

" Besides..."

"you have the seventh generation of miracles by your side. The lightning."

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