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(that is Sakura, her name means Cherry Blossoms, and I know I don't change the POV much, but trust the process)

Y/n POV:

Everyone was rushing through the airport, thinking our flight was a normal one. No. My father was filthy rich, and loved to spoil me. So he rented out an entire plane. Not a private jet but a full on plane. So I took my time and made it there.

"Hello sir"

"Hello, you must be Ms Y/n, correct?"

"Yes thank you."

"Right this way."

We followed him and he showed us to the plane. We put our luggage there. Though I didn't bring much, majority of my stuff is over in America anyway. Everyone was supper confused on what was going on. A part from Shun and Akashi. Shun new dad always spoils me instead anyone else. And Akashi had a hint cause I was a bit nervous.

We made it on the plane and made our way to America. The trip was long and tiring. Not to mention boring. I was pretty much listening to music the whole time. When we landed, everyone scurried to get off. We walked through the half empty airport. Since dads house isn't that far from the airport we all walked. I ended up carrying Kuroko the rest of the way there.

We made it to the house and I looked back at the boys. They were dumbstruck. The girls where less dumbstruck but you get it.

We entered the house and I called out for my father. Shun joined. We walked into the main kitchen. And I saw a note, it read.

Dear Sweet heart

I have had an unexpected business trip to Hawaii with an acquaintance, Shelly. This is a photo of her.

Lovely isn't she! I will be gone by the time you get back to Japan

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Lovely isn't she! I will be gone by the time you get back to Japan. And I love you, when I see you again I'll buy you that pink bike you wanted for you 10th birthday! I love you sweetie.

From dad

I got mad. Shun took the letter and everyone was behind him. He read it out loud which made it worse. I didn't want to hear it again. Once he finished I wanted to punch something. I saw a wall and punched it. It also had tiles on it. When the dust from it faded away there was a hole through the tiles and the wall. My hand was bleeding I could feel it. I storm off to a room I go when I'm mad. Sadly did I know that Akashi followed me. There was a bed with wooden frames. I broke those and the top of the bed frame came crashing down. I kicked and punched holes in the walls. I was about to punch another one when arms wrapped around me. I put my arms down and listened to what the calming voice told me.

"Breathe... Count with me..."

"C-counting doesn't work for me..."

I say angrily but more so sad now.

"What does?"

"M-my song..."

"Want to sing it??"

"I need.. Shun..."

"Okay... Izuki!!!"

Soon my brother comes in and sees me. He walks over in front of me and starts to sing.

I calmed down and launched into Shun hugging him. I was tired. And just wanted sleep. Next think I know I felt weight across my chest.

I fluttered my eyes open and looked around a bit. I saw an arm across my chest. I followed it leading to the beautiful face I could never get old from. It was beautiful. Calm as ever. I gentle touched his face. Dragging my finger to his lips. I stopped there. I stared at his lips a little while. He groaned which made me sit up. He woke up because of that.

"Y/n? Are you okay?"

"Y-yeah... What time is it?"

He turned over to look at his phone on the side table.

"3:00, why?"

"I need to go right now!!"

I got up immediately grabbing my phone. And running to the door. Somehow Akashi caught up and stopped me.


"That's none of your business."

"Okay, how long?"

"Again none of your business. But probably as long as it takes."


"I have told you. None. Of. Your. Business!"

"With who?"

"Nobody!! Stop being my over protective brother!!! PISS OFF!!!"

I dodged him and ran out the house. While walking I dialled Asami once again. She picked up.



"Chill! We're at Starbucks, the usual one"

"I'm nearly there!"

"Wait your already here!?"

"Yep, now stay there!"

I hung up and started running. Soon reaching Starbucks I see her and my friends standing outside in a group. I stood just in front of them before bending over holding just legs just above my knees to catch my breath.


I stood up properly and got tackled into a hug by all my best friends.

"I missed you guys!"

"We missed you!!"

They climbed off me and I saw that Misumi, Amaterasu and Haya had long sleeve shirts on.

"Umi-Chan, Asu-Chan, Yaya-Chan, wrists"

They rolledbuo their sleeves and showed me their non slit wrists.


They all looked at each other before Chiyo spoke up.


She stepped forward seeming like she didn't want to tell me, what she was about to tell me.

"Well so you know how Ami Nebuya, kind of hates you"


"While you were back in Japan, we went to a street ball game and there were they're, they just happened to be there and versing us. So after the match, they had won. And we'll, they rubbed it in our faces big time. She then proceeded to talk shit about us and you, how you scurried back home to Japan after her hurting you"

As I listened I slowly got more and more mad as the person I once new didn't know me at all. And I obviously didn't know them.

"That's not the end. She challenged you to a practice game at our school, so she could rub in our faces how much better she is then us"

My hand balled up in a fist. As my anger slowly started show.

"So you made up an excuse to get me here to play a game, got that part down, but why use an excuse like that to get me here, just say the truth"

"Sorry, we really didn't want to but the practice game is Two days time, we know you have to train the Serin team and all so we're not pushing you to, but we at least need to go over our drills"

I took a deep breath and calmed down.

"That's fine, umm I have to go though back home though. They're waiting."

"Tomorrow practice! You can bring your trainees to watch!!"

I nodded while walking away, I'm glad I'm back, I did miss them, though I only was gone for a matter of days.

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⏰ Last updated: May 21 ⏰

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