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(In every chapter I will put someone that is featured in the future, this is Keiko and it means adored one)

Y/n POV:

It was late, and dark. Plus a really long walk from the airport to my house. And it was freezing. My legs are tired, but I'm nearly home. I could actually see the light from the front porch. I speed up my pace ignoring the pain it caused. I stopped in front of it. I smiled and walked up to the house. I step on the front porch and it creaks. I gently tip toe to the front door. I heard movement from upstairs in Shuns room. I assume he heard the creak. But there were two people. Maybe Mai? No she doesn't wake up that easily.

Suddenly the front door opens and I see Shun there. Tears in his eyes. He dropped his arms and run to hug me. He started crying in my arms. I open my eyes to see Hyuga standing at the door smiling like an idiot. So he stayed over. Shun doesn't let me go, he refused to, like a child.

"Hold on"

He jumped up wrapping his legs around my waist Hyuga being the best second brother ever bought some of my bags inside, I also had a few in my hands. I put them down and Hyuga shuts the door. I walk to the couch, Shun drilling clinging on for dear life. He tightened his grip when I sat down. I hugged him back. He finally let go and wiped his tears away. I turned to Hyuga and gave him a quick hug. Shun scolded me.

"Damn you y/n. You can't leave for four years then say your gonna be coaching us. And come back at 1 in the morning."

"I'm sorry"

"When You left without warning"

"Again sorry, but you know how dad is"

"How is he anyway?"


"Oh hell yeah, when can we celebrate??"

"Don't know, how about, let go to sleep before we are all Brompton the morning, yeah?"



I head up to my old room and put my bags down the boys go to sleep in Shuns room, and I fall asleep in mine.


My morning Alarm goes off. I wake up and get up. I get into my uniform I got a couple of weeks ago. I get dressed after showering. Then I made my bed. I got my bag ready and went downstairs. I start to cook breakfast. Soon, Shun and Hyuga were downstairs in their pajamas watching me cook. One I finish I served myself some and looked at the two.

"You realise you guys don't get any until you are fully ready for school."

They looked at each other, then quickly got and up stairs to get ready suddenly I hear small footsteps coming down. I look back over and we Hai. She didn't seem to recognise me, so I didn't approach her. She just stood there not knowing what to do. I didn't walk away or pretend I owned the place or even approach, I stood still smiling my usual smile at her. Not long later Shun and Hyuga came running down the stairs nearly falling over. Shun looked at me then at Hai. He smiled a bent down to her height explaining who I was. She smiled and hugged me. I hugged her back. She ran, smiling up stairs to get ready. She put her uniform and came down with her bag.

I served the three of them up breakfast. And I looked in the fridge to see if anyone had anything to eat. I sighed and grabbed my first wallet. My friend one has Japanese money. My second one has American. I have Hyuga and Shun ¥2000 each. They didn't accept it first but eventually gave in. I grabbed the remaining food in the fridge and made Hai a sandwich, Apple and and some crackers. I wrote more on the fridge saying I needed to go shopping. I then wrote another one to my mom saying I was here and we all went to school. I grab their plates and wash them. I have a few mouthfulls of my food then wrapping up the remaining food and leaving it in the fridge. I grab the third house key, my phone and put them in my bag. I was so nervous to see everyone.

We dropped Hai off and walked to school. Hyuga and Shun went to Morning practice. I took a photo of them entering the gym and sent it to Riko, who's number I got off Momoi. I sent the photo saying.

I see your hard at work Riko, don't worry, it's me Y/n my friend gave me your number. See you in a bit, call me when you want to see me~

I sent it and put my phone away I looked at her and she was freaking out looking around outside. I giggle and skip away. I went to a silent a and abandoned part of the school. I got out a book and started reading. I was nice. The trees looked amazing. The and the flower that surrounded me smelt spectacular. I felt my phone vibrate and I checked it. It was from Kuroko.

Please don't do it again, coach is now paranoid and won't stop freaking out. Do not do your special talent either 😠

I smile and type back

Sorry, I didn't mean to freak her out. Give her my number and tell her to give me a call.

About a minute later he replied

Okay, don't pull anything though

I sent an winking emoji to him and then I got a phone call. I answered it out the phone up to my ear.


"Hello~ Riko~"

"Is this Y/n?"

"Yes, something wrong?"

"Uh, if you don't mind, the team's here and if you could introduce yourself to them, that would be great"

"Hm, I'm not doing anything right now.. So sure, see you soon"

"Oh, okay-"

I hang up. Slowly I pack up my things and made my way to the gym. I arrived and took my shoes off. Then put my sport ones on. I put my other shoes in my bag, then opened the door. Everyone looked at me. Hyuga spoke up.

"Your late"


I smiled and entered the gym.

"Hey Koko-Chan"


Kuroko answers. Everyone seemed surprised about that. Even Shun. I think he forgot what Middle school I went to.

"Kuroko how do you know her, and how can she see you?" The coach asked.

"I think I might have some explaining to do.."

I say and smile.

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