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I couldn’t get my mind off of you. Everything I did, everywhere I went, I couldn’t stop thinking about you. You were the only one ruling over my thoughts, and I let it be.

I was afraid of forgetting you if I stopped thinking about you. Something in me wanted to remember you even though we hadn’t even talked properly, and yet, you had me captivated. 

I heard you play the piano for the second time a month later, at an opening party of the café just down the street.

I was invited by a friend of mine who had recently bought the place. He had invited me to the opening party as well, saying that I should be there and that I needed a change of environment.

When I got there, I saw a beautiful lady sitting on the piano bench, wearing a black knee length dress that hugged her body perfectly, her hair pulled into a ponytail, playing the piano that was seated in the corner of the beautiful café.

I recognized that lady as you as soon as I saw you; your presence mesmerizing me once again. I wanted to talk to you, but the way you played the piano with each note portraying your sorrow, held me back.

I felt nervous to approach you. I was afraid to approach someone as perfect and fragile as you. I was afraid of breaking you.

I felt your emotions once again as you told your story to the piano. And like last time, they were sorrowful this time as well. The song was even more sorrowful than the last one I heard you play. But I was even more entranced than last time.

The way you played held so much meaning and emotion in each note and you were just perfect.

You had your eyes closed again and your hands flowed flawlessly over the keys, speaking your emotions. I felt them again. I felt the sorrow that you told to the piano. I felt every little thing you told to the piano about your sorrow. I felt your pain and then I felt mine.

I wanted to know you. I wanted to know the reason for your sadness. I wanted to understand why you portrayed endless sorrow in your music. I wanted to know everything about you.

But once again, I was just a stranger, who wasn’t supposed to go and ask you why you felt like that.

Everything about you attracted me in a way I had never felt before. I didn’t know why, but I had the urge to run up to you and engulf you in a hug so tight, and protect you.

Perhaps it was because I felt and understood each and everything you spoke through your music. Or perhaps it was because I wanted to get to know you and hold you since you made me feel alive when you played the piano like that.

I was confused as to what I was feeling. I had seen many artists play the piano before, but I had never ever seen one as passionate as you were.

None other pianist I had ever heard told their story in such a magnificent way. But from the first moment I saw you, I knew you were special.

Every note you played had a magnetic pull and it pulled me towards you. I never understood this connection but I knew I felt it, and it was growing with every passing second I listened to you play, and it pulled me towards you with each and every note you played.

When the song ended, people again praised you. I looked at you to find you looking at the piano, not paying attention to the cheering crowd.

Shouldn’t you have felt happy that people were praising you?

I decided to approach you at last, after debating for a good few minutes.

And I was even more mesmerized by your beauty this time. Not only you played the piano flawlessly, but you were flawless too. But then again, it was always easier to scar something flawless.

I felt nervous with each step I took towards you. No one -especially not a woman- had ever made me this nervous. I didn’t know if it was the way you played or if it was this thing I felt for you; this connection.

You smiled a little when I asked if you were okay. You weren’t shedding tears this time, which relieved me a little.

I was about to tell you that I was the person you had met a month ago in the grand hall, but you already knew who I was. You remembered me. I grinned when you told me that, and my heart fluttered.

“How can I forget someone who was worried for me?” you said in your silvery voice.

Damn, that beautiful voice.

Your voice did things to me, it made me feel all warm.

I didn’t know how to reply.. You smiled a little.

I asked if you were okay and you said you were. But your song said otherwise. Even if you put on a fake smile, even if you were feeling okay at the moment, I knew you were not okay on the inside. And that alone, made me want to know you more.

You had me curious and I wanted to know more.

I stood there awkwardly, not knowing what to say.

But you soon got up. You were about to leave but you turned to say a short ‘goodbye’ to me and then you left. Again.

Once again, you were out of my grasp as soon as I had seen you.

My longing to know you increased even more. I didn’t know what to do. No one had ever made me feel so many emotions at the same time. I was mesmerized, I was shook, I felt nervous and I felt a thousand other foreign emotions.

You had my mind even more preoccupied than before. All I did was think about you; about your everything and every way. I couldn’t stop myself from thinking about you.

Whatever I did, you and your thoughts found their way into my mind, and I spent hours thinking about you. That was how madly captivated I was.

Gone Forever • Min Yoongi ✔️Where stories live. Discover now