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“Can I ask you something?” I said, hesitating a little.

“Go on, Yoongi,” you spoke softly.

“Would you- would you like to play it with m-me?” I finally asked you, looking down.

A moment passed.

Two did.


Three became four.

Finally you replied.

 “Yes, Yoongi, I’d love to,” you spoke.

I looked up to find you smiling. I gave a smile of my own, which in turn made you smile even wider.

We got up as I led us to the mahogany piano situated at the far corner of the cozy café.

I was nervous to play it at first, but as we seated ourselves on the bench, you on my right, I felt the anxiousness leave my body as I eased up.

I looked at you and smiled, and then we played.

As usual, I closed my eyes as I let my fingers run on the delicate yet familiar keys. We played the beautiful piece together and I heard you play beside me.

I got lost in my own music, but your music pulled me out of my own and lost me in itself.

There was complete silence with the exception of our souls letting our emotions flow into the melody of the piano and to the ears of the listeners.

I could feel every eye present in the café on us, but in that moment nothing mattered. All that mattered was that I was playing beside you and with you; that’s what I had wanted since the day I had met you for the very first time.

I never knew you, yet, a sudden desire to play a duet with you had made its way in my heart and the desire only kept growing as I got to know you better.

Both of us let out fingers flow endlessly on the beautiful piano, creating a sad but beautiful melody. We poured every inch of our soul into it and kept playing and playing; not caring if it was too powerful.

 I could feel you lose yourself in the music too; in yours and in mine – in ours.

I didn’t need a glimpse at you to determine that you too had your eyes closed just like me, and that you too were as immersed into the music and the emotions as I was.

And nothing else mattered. I was playing right beside you and I felt content. I was happy.

And maybe that was why I was so crazy about you; you made me feel alive. You gave me life.

We slowed down, as the powerful piece came to an end. I opened my eyes slowly, not letting my hands fall from the familiar keys.

I looked beside me to find you staring at me. Slowly, our hands fell to our sides and you smiled a little.

“That was the most powerful piece I’ve ever played,” you whispered, taking a deep breath.

I gave a faint smile as well, and nodded, indicating that the same went for me as well. 

We got up from the bench to be engulfed by a very tight hug, and only one person could give a hug like that.

“Hoseok, you’re not letting us breathe,” I said, muffled into the three-man hug.

Hoseok let go and grinned ear to ear at us, while holding both of our shoulders.

“That was amazing you two. Where did you guys get the energy to play that powerful of a piece?” he asked, not letting go of our shoulders.

“Oh it was nothing,” I mumbled.

“So you both are friends now? This is the third time I’m seeing you guys here together,” he said, beaming.

I nodded a little, trying to think of a way of changing the conversation because if this kept going on, he would start assuming things and start speaking nonsense in front of you.

As much as I loved Hoseok, and as much as he was my best and only friend, I still couldn’t afford to let him embarrass me in front of my newly formed friend.

“Well, Hobi, we have to go now. Min Jee, it’s getting late, we should head home now,” I told you.

You smiled and nodded.

“Aww, you guys leaving so soon?” Hoseok pouted a little and his mouth formed a little triangle; something that happened when he was sad.

“We’ll come next time, Hoseok,” you told him and soon his face lit up.

“Sure, sure, it’s so good to see my friend hanging out with someone. I haven’t seen him smile that way in years,” he said, “I’m so glad you became the reason of his happiness, I can see how happy he is when he’s with you,” he said.

That was enough. If he said anything more, I’d be digging a hole right there in the ground, and crawling in it and dying in it.

“Well, see you later, Hobi,” I said and dragged you out of the café.

“Hey, Yoongi, you’re so rude. You didn’t even let me say goodbye to him!!!” you said and crossed your arms on your chest, as you huffed out.

“Min Jee, let’s go home, it’s getting late,” I said, but you ignored me. “Please?” I pleaded.

You shook your head ‘no.’

“Well, how about I make it up to you and then we go home?” I asked.

You seemed to be deep in thought but a moment later your face lit up and you nodded.

“Well then, how should I make it up to you?” I asked, unsure of what I had said a moment ago.

“A hug,” you said, smiling widely like a little kid.


“A hug, Yoongi; I want a hug,” you spoke again, this time beaming even more wide.

That was so cute. I wanted to refuse, but the look on your face made me move towards you and take your tiny form in my embrace.

You hugged me tightly and didn’t let go, so I let you stay and hug me for as long as you wanted.

As much as I cringed and flinched at human contact, I liked the feeling of you being in my arms. It just felt right.

“You smell so nice, Yoongi,” you told me, getting out of my chest.

I blushed at this and tried to cover it with a laugh but you noticed it and started smirking.

“Yoongi, is that a blush I see?” you spoke as you tiled your head sideways like a little kid and looked at me with doe eyes.

The way you spoke my name so innocently made me go even crazier that I was. I wanted to hear my name from your mouth again and again. It just felt so right.

“Min Jee, I gave you a hug, now let’s go home okay?” I said.

You looked at me and blinked a few times before smiling widely and nodding your head.

You skipped past me and I followed behind. As I caught up, you suddenly held my hand in your tiny one, and skipped along the path.

I blushed but smiled at the feeling of our intertwined hands. Your small, fragile hands fit mine perfectly, which made me go insane.

I smiled even wider as we walked into the night, going towards your home, with you skipping happily beside me and dragging me as well.

I had never been this crazy for anyone before.

Gone Forever • Min Yoongi ✔️Where stories live. Discover now