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“How have you been?” I asked you one night, as we lay curled up under the sheets, with you in my arms.

“Why are you asking that question all of a sudden, Yoongi?” you asked with doe eyes and I couldn’t help but kiss you; again and again, until I was out of breath and you were staring at me because of all the kisses and pecks I had left all over your face.

You giggled and I felt myself smile.

“Min Min, it’s been days since we had a proper conversation due to my busy schedule. Are you okay? I’m sorry I haven’t been able to give much time to you, but I promise I’ll make it up to you.”

You started at my face for a moment more.

“I’m well, Yoongi.”

I nodded and pecked your forehead, which caused you to smile and then I smiled as well.

The moment was really perfect; us cuddled as close to each other as possible, my firm grip on you, your smile and the sound of your voice.

But something hung in the air. Something that scared me.

“Min Min, you know I love you right?”

“Yes, Yoongi, and I love you too; now more than ever,” you said, getting even more comfortable inside my chest and then exhaling in satisfaction.

“And you know that you can trust me as well, right?”

“Yoongi, why are you asking questions like that? Of course, I love you and I trust you.”

“Then why are things changing between us?” I asked at last.


“Yoongi- I don’t know what you’re talking about,” you said.

“Min Min, look at me,” I ordered.

You took your head out of my chest and peeked at me.

“That is the cutest thing I’ve seen in an eternity,” I said and you blushed.

“But we need to talk,” I told you in a serious tone.

“Things are the same, yet, I feel like there is an invisible wall of some sorts in between us.”

“I don’t really know if it’s you, or me, or both of us, but I’m scared, Min Min. I’m so damn scared. What if- I don’t even want to put it into words.”

You put both of your hands on each side of my face and smiled warmly at me.

“Yoongi, I love you. No matter what, I love you, okay. Even when I’m not here, you’re mine and I’m yours. Even if tomorrow I’m not here, I’ll always be with you. And I’ll try to make things like they were before. My sickness….it came in between us like this, but I promise you, you won’t feel this again.”

And then you put your lips on top of mine and you kissed me. I instantly brought one my hands under your nape and secured you tightly in my embrace.

In no time, I had you wrapped tightly in an embrace on my chest, without breaking the kiss.

When we parted, I brought your forehead closer to mine, as both of breathed heavily.

Before you could open your eyes, my lips were on top of yours again.

We kissed passionately, all our love flowing through the point of contact of our lips.

And I loved it. I loved your body on top of mine. I loved kissing you. I loved every inch of you touching every inch of me.

And the night went on with us, showing our passionate love to each other.


A/N Just a few more chapters and then this story ends.

Gone Forever • Min Yoongi ✔️Where stories live. Discover now