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“What happened to her?”

“It’s just a severe common cold. No need to worry, Mr Min. It will go away in no time.”

“But she doesn’t look okay,” I argued back.

“Mr Min, I told you, there is nothing to worry about. You can take her home after she wakes up; get her rest and the medicines I’m prescribing. She will be fine.”

And with that, the doctor turned away and left.

I looked at you. You were asleep.

Your skin looked pale and was cold when I touched it.

I held your hand and sat in the chair beside the bed.

I kept looking at you sleeping all day long, until you woke up near midnight.

You wanted to go home and the doctor discharged you after a checkup.

That night you slept in our bed, while I just watched you.

You wanted me to not sleep with you, but I couldn’t seem to stay away from you, so after you slept, I got inside the sheets and held you like I always held you.

But I couldn’t sleep.

And that was the first night I didn’t sleep since I had slept with you the first time.

You woke up later than usual, the next morning.

I had made you a soup and told you to drink it before it went cold.

I told you to stay in bed and went to do the dishes.

I called at your workplace and told them of your condition and that you wouldn’t be going to work until you were better; then I called at mine and told them the same thing and that I’d be taking care of you until you were better.

After that, I went to our room and saw you sleeping.

Under normal circumstances, I would have smiled but your pale skin worried me sick.

In the evening, Hoseok came to see you.

He spent time with us until dinner.

I made a dinner for both of us, but you didn’t eat. You just kept staring at it and then back at me and telling me that you weren’t hungry.

So I let it drop and made a small conversation with you. But the conversation ended soon, since you weren’t really talking and I had nothing much to say.

I held your hand and kissed the top of it.

You smiled at that and I felt a little relieved.

That night, I couldn’t sleep again, so I just laid down beside you and let you use my warmth for your cold body.

The next day was the same, except you weren’t any better.

And days passed like that. You weren’t getting any better.

You’d sleep most of the day, eat little or none at all, have night sweats, suffer from fever most of the time, get short of breath frequently.

Your skin was paler, you looked thin and fatigued.

Despite the medicines, you weren’t getting much better.

And I was worried sick.

I would stay by your side all day as you slept or just stared at me.

At nights, I would kiss your head again and again. I would run my hands through your hair continuously. I would hold you as close to myself as possible and I’d hold you tightly.

At last, after what seemed like forever, but was only two weeks, you started getting somewhat better.

In a few days, you were able to walk and you started eating a little more than usual.

A few days more and you were up on your feet, running about the house that I once called mine but was now ours.

You were still recovering, but you were better than before so both of us resumed our work.

And then life returned to what seemed the new normal. You were still the same you, but something had changed.

The change wasn’t something physical, nor emotional or mental, no, it was something that was there but couldn’t be seen; only felt.

Everything was still the same, yet, it was different.

And the most I felt the things change, was when we played the piano.

Your music gradually stopped intertwining with mine.

We still played with the same passion and fire, but it was as if my music was yours too, but yours wasn’t mine anymore.

And this fact alone was killing me slowly from the inside.

But I couldn’t really do anything about it, so I just let be.


A/N When did yall become an ARMY??

Gone Forever • Min Yoongi ✔️Where stories live. Discover now