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One night when I got you home and turned to go back around after our goodbye, you suddenly stopped me and you asked me if we could meet every week at the same place and same time.

My heart filled with joy when you asked me that. I agreed to meet you every once in a week on the same day and same time.

I would feel a little disappointed each time we had to part ways, but the joy of meeting you the next time kept from taking you home with me and cuddle with you, or stay in the café with you until we fell asleep on our little corner table, by the window, inhaling the smells of all kinds of sweets and coffee.

As time passed by, I realized that I wasn’t just crazy about you. On my way to becoming your friend, I had caught feelings for you, and I fell harder each time I even thought about you.

My heart would beat like crazy when you held my hands or hugged me, and I would always be afraid that you’d hear it, but I enjoyed your touch nonetheless.

Each touch of yours sent shivers down my spine, and each touch of yours filled me with warmth and joy.

Your smile always made my day. No matter how depressed or down I was, just seeing you smile softly at me, and hold my hands to warm your own hands always made me smile and my worries would disappear.

I loved the way your blue eyes would sparkle in joy each time we met, and then you’d ask me to play the piano with you, until both of us got so used to it that the first thing we did after meeting was play the piano, without even asking each other, and each time, the notes got even more powerful as our duet became one.

But I couldn’t help but notice that despite that fact that you always seemed happy, there was sadness in your eyes; an empty feeling sometimes. I had asked you a few times but you had brushed it off, saying that you were just tired.

But I too, could see that that was not it. Tiredness never took the emotion and life out of someone’s eyes; not physical tiredness, at least.

I grew worried and asked Hoseok if he could ask you. He said he would and the next few weeks, I tried to come a little late on purpose so as to give Hoseok time to ask you, but you told him the same you told me as well.

I too tried to brush it off, after seeing you look a little well after a few days.

Days kept passing by as we continued with our usual routine. We would come to the café in the evening, play the piano, eat, talk, laugh and then go our separate ways.

I was happy. I was the happiest I had ever been in my whole life. Being with you made me feel calm and at peace.

I kept falling harder and harder for you and turning back didn’t seem possible.

But yet again, I was scared. I was scared of these unfamiliar emotions growing inside of me, and I was scared that you might not feel the same way about me.

In any case, I didn’t want to feel any other way for you even if you didn’t feel the same. I was happy feeling these things for you. These emotions, these butterflies that I got in my stomach, the way my heart beat accelerated when you got too close to me, these were all new emotions and experiences for me and I was happy to be feeling these things for you.

But who knew my happiness, like every time, didn’t last long this time as well.

Gone Forever • Min Yoongi ✔️Where stories live. Discover now