22- "Forever"

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Is this what heartbreak feels like?
Is this what being broken really means?
I don't feel like myself anymore
I've lost a part of me
I've lost the half of me

Where are you?
My eyes search for you but I can't find you nowhere
My ears hear for your voice, for your laugh
But I'm surrounded by silence all around
My heart, it aches and hurts
It calls to you
But each time it does, there is no reply back
I'm left alone, facing an empty building, an empty heart, an empty soul
And two empty arms

From the moment we met
And until your last moment
I couldn't stop thinking
Thinking about you was what I did all day and all night
My thoughts filled with your being
And in that moment I realised
I had fallen in love with you
No damn, that's wrong
I loved you more than anything ever
Every time you looked into my eyes
I fell all over again

You were my every first
And my every last
Every time we met
And our every next
I fell even deeper
Deeper, all over again
Then each time, over and over again
When you held my hand
The time you gave me a hug
When we shared our first kiss
My first "I love you"

After all this, you are not here
And I call to you
"Come back into my arms again
And make me feel special again
Make my heart whole again"
My nights are hell without you
My days are dark
Even the tears are tired
The void inside of me
That you once filled
Is now jammed with darkness again
The space that you filled
Is gone again
I need you again
More than ever before
Come again
I'm still waiting
For I'm yours

But my heart knows
That is why it yearns, that is why it bleeds
Because you're gone
You've left me in half
Forever is a very long time to which there is no end
But that is what we are now
You and I, apart
But I'll wait for you,
So you wait for me
Until we meet again
Until this forever ends
Until you are mine again and I am yours again

- 'Forever' by Yoongi

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