Pay Phone (Malec one shot)

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Warning: it may destroy your feels, and spoiler alert.

Alec POV

I curse while trying to dig out a quarter out of my pocket. I'm shut inside a pay phone, trying to contact Magnus, but I can't find a freaking quarter!

I sigh. I've just been really worked up lately. Ever since the break up...

I shake my head. There's nothing I can do. It was my fault anyway. But, I know I have to call Magnus today. If he answers or not I have to. It's his birthday, and I don't want him to think I forgot.

I finally find I quarter. I dial Magnus's number, and wait hoping it will pick up. It stops after three rings. My heart speeds up. Could he actually be answering?

"Hello, you have reached the fabulous Magnus Bane! I haven't answered your call obviously, so I'm probably doing something better right now. Leave a message, and if I care enough, I'll call you back!" Beeeeep.

I feel like crying. No answer. Again. I decide to leave a message anyway.

"Magnus? It's Alec, since the caller ID will say unknown, and that's cause I'm using a pay phone, cause Jace broke my phone. He says I call you to much. Try to. Anyway, I'm just calling to say happy birthday, I don't want you to think I'd forgot." There's a long pause, during the moment I'm having a mental argument with myself. After A few seconds, I make my decision.

"I love you." I add. I don't hang up for a few moments, as if I'm waiting for something, and I'm about to hang up when I hear it.

"I love you too, Alexander."

And then the line goes dead.

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