Vriskadia The Confession

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Vriska POV
I walk towards my kismesis's hive, wondering how he actual fuck I am going to do this. I have had red feelings for her for quite a while now, and it's eating me not to tell her. But I really don't want to, because I know it won't end well. Aradia hates me.

That's right. I'm flushed for Aradia Megido.

Arriving at her hive, I end up just standing at the door for ten minutes, trying not to chicken out. I take a deep breath and tell myself to just fucking do it. I knock.

"Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaraaaaaaaa. Open uuuuuuuup." I say, knowing I can't let my nervousness show. I hear a muffled bang then the voice I fell in love with reply.

"And why the fuckity fuck w0uld I d0 that, Vriska?" She asks. I sigh.

"8ecause your dear old kismesis has something very important to tell you." I say, cringing as I realize how nervous I sounded. Well. At least I didn't stutter. It's silent for a moment before she answers.

"Thats pr0bably bullshit, but whatever." I hear a rustling, then the door opens revealing Aradi- IN HER UNDERWEAR?!

"Holy fucking mother of sexiness." I mutter, under my breath. I bring my hands to my face, trying to cool the blue blush creeping up my cheeks. Aradia raises her eyebrow and smirks.

"See s0mething you like, Spider Bitch?" She says, sounding incredibly cocky. I'm about to deny it when I realize this is probably the inky chance I'll ever get. Might as well...

I take my hands off my face and look her up and down, smirking.

"Yes, actually. Although it would look 8etter without the clothing..." I grin as I see her face heat up a dark red.

"Wh-what d0 y0u mean, Vriska?" She asks. I take a deep breath, putting my hands on her waist and pulling her closer.

" I mean, I'm flushed for you." I say, so quiet I'm afraid she doesn't hear me. That fear is soon dismissed when she attacks me, shoving her lips onto mine. I gasp in surprise, but don't pull away, soon melting into the kiss.

A few minutes later, she pulls away, wiping the strand of saliva connecting our lips.

"Flushed f0r y0u t00, Vriska" she whispers. Then I reattach her lips onto mine, and we stay that way for quite a while.

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